The Formula for Economic Growth on Main Street America (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy)

Product Description
The community that establishes and maintains a solid economic framework greatly improves its chances of sustaining itself through fluctuations in the economy. The question is, of course, how can city officials and administrators make this happen? The Formula for Economic Growth on Main Street America examines why economic growth during the late twentieth century was marked by the dramatic rise of some communities and the equally stunning demise of others. This book identifies the key components of sustained economic growth as well as the policies, actions, and inactions that are precursors to the decline of local economies. Based on the author ��s 25 years of experience as president of one of America� s foremost economic development agencies, and his involvement in assisting communities around the world, the book shows how to assess the needs of communities and details what is needed to put plans in place. Drawing on case studies, the book illustrates lessons learned and how they can be applied, including: What steps elected and administrative officials can take to stabilize and enhance the growth of their cities Why the growth of some communities within a single regional marketplace can dramatically outpace that of neighbors possessing similar locations and assets How communities can establish programs that sustain economic growth and provide jobs ��without raising taxes As communities struggle to cope with diminished tax revenues, the idea of achieving sustainable growth without raising taxes seems too good to be true. Tapping into the same strategies that allowed Fairfax County, Virginia, to enjoy triple-digit job growth while reducing property taxes, Dr. Gerald Gordon provides the framework and strategies to weather most economic storms and chart a course toward sustainable economic development.The Formula for Economic Growth on Main Street America (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy) Review
As so many communities want to recreate a Silicon Valley in their ciities, it is very helpful to look at the conditions which have to be present for an entrepreneurial cluster success. I am grateful to the author for writing this book, which is extremely helpful for city planners and economic boosters.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "The Formula for Economic Growth on Main Street America (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from The Formula for Economic Growth on Main Street America (ASPA Series in Public Administration and Public Policy) ...

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