Sunday, June 16, 2013

From Teaching to Mentoring: Principles and Practice, Dialogue and Life in Adult Education

From Teaching to Mentoring: Principles and Practice, Dialogue and Life in Adult Education

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From Teaching to Mentoring: Principles and Practice, Dialogue and Life in Adult Education On Sale

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Product Description

What is mentoring? What makes a teacher a mentor?
From Teaching to Mentoring is an argument for the power, practicality and the basic good of a simple educational idea. The authors advocate a sound, comprehensive and lifelong education, shifting the emphasis of the learning process to the needs of the student. Whilst heeding traditional criteria of educational excellence, they ask for profound educational and political transformations:
* Teachers become collaborative inquirers with their students
* Students become skilled and lifelong independent learners
* Academic institutions become learning communities embracing the full diversity of human curiosity and experience.
The book covers discussion on what mentoring is, and why it is now so much in demand. It details the distinctive features of mentoring, including asking questions, students' reflections and responses and collaborative curriculum planning.
Drawing upon two decades of extensive research and practice, and using a variety of illuminating case studies, the authors offer a stimulating and thorough examination of mentoring. This combination of theory and practice will be invaluable to anyone involved in the teaching of adults in further and higher education, as well as university administrators, programme directors and developing and training officers.

From Teaching to Mentoring: Principles and Practice, Dialogue and Life in Adult Education Review

Lee Herman & Alan Mandell (both of whom are colleagues and one, AM, a friend) have given us a sensitive, thought-provoking book that charts their experiences in the mentoring process. They see a significant distinction between modes of instruction that are teacher-centered and mentoring, in which knowledge is co-discovered. Their extensive interest and expertise in mentoring derives from work at Empire State College (State University of New York).

The book examines the concepts that underpin mentoring as an instructional process. Much of this examination is based on the art of dialogue and quotations from Plato abound. The main chapters include: What is mentoring? Principles of mentoring and philosophy of dialogue; asking question; waiting as learning; curriculum as collaborative learning; dialogue as cognitive love; mentor as learner; authenticity and artifice. In parts, perhaps, the text become a little too doctrinaire -- pushing more for an intellectual framework than for a functional guide to initiating and sustaining the mentoring process.

The text is rich in examples and vignettes drawn from Lee and Alan's extensive mentoring experience. Of particular interest is a quite beautiful series of "moments" between Jim and his overworked professor, who gradually grows into his mentor. The honestly of this sustained dialogue is remarkable and the feelings evoked -- for both learner and mentor -- contribute greatly to an understanding of the process of mentoring.

This is a warm, rich, and humane book. It is a delightful read. But more, it enriches and provides a deeper humanity to potential engagements between adult learners and mentors. It is a book that anyone who has engaged in mentoring will recognize as valuable and deeply appreciate. I am very happy that these remarkable scholars found the time to author such a thoughful text.

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