Freshwater Mussel Ecology: A Multifactor Approach to Distribution and Abundance (Freshwater Ecology Series)

Product Description
Pearly mussels (Unionoidea) live in lakes, rivers, and streams around the world. These bivalves play important roles in freshwater ecosystems and were once both culturally and economically valuable as sources of food, pearls, and mother-of-pearl. Today, however, hundreds of species of these mussels are extinct or endangered. David L. Strayer provides a critical synthesis of the factors that control the distribution and abundance of pearly mussels. Using empirical analyses and models, he assesses the effects of dispersal, habitat quality, availability of fish hosts, adequate food, predators, and parasites. He also addresses conservation issues that apply to other inhabitants of fresh waters around the globe and other pressing issues in contemporary ecology.
Freshwater Mussel Ecology: A Multifactor Approach to Distribution and Abundance (Freshwater Ecology Series) Review
The book was advertised to be in good condition with no marks on the pages. I rarely order used books, but I was delighted to receive it and see that the description was accurate and it looks like new! Thanks for a great product and a bargain price!Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Freshwater Mussel Ecology: A Multifactor Approach to Distribution and Abundance (Freshwater Ecology Series)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Freshwater Mussel Ecology: A Multifactor Approach to Distribution and Abundance (Freshwater Ecology Series) ...

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