Monday, April 1, 2013

Latino Poverty in the New Century: Inequalities, Challenges, and Barriers

Latino Poverty in the New Century: Inequalities, Challenges, and Barriers

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Latino Poverty in the New Century: Inequalities, Challenges, and Barriers On Sale

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Product Description

Understand the social factors that challenge this fast-growing community!</br>This keen analysis examines how apparently neutral, even well-meaning social and educational policies can have a devastating effect. The interlocking consequences of language problems, educational problems, gangs, poverty, and illness become a vicious cycle. Despite pervasive patterns of discrimination and subtle barriers to achievement, the Latino community still displays its power. Latino Poverty in the New Century reveals how a faith-based community organization succeeded in adapting indigenous networks and culturally relevant sources of support and power to create a strong community presence.</br>Latino Poverty in the New Century offers a rich, detailed analysis of the challenges that face Hispanics in the United States:
  • the implications of US immigration policy for immigrants, refugees, and native-born Latino citizens
  • the language barriers that can prevent Latinos from full participation in both society and educational programs
  • health care policies and the sometimes tragic consequences of the lack of medical insurance
  • the role of extracurricular activities in keeping Latino students in school
  • the twin calamities known as gentrification and urban blight</br>This comprehensive book provides social workers and policymakers with wide-ranging analyses of some of the pressing issues and social policies that affect Hispanics in the United States. Latino Poverty in the New Century explores ways to keep Latino youth in high school, promote community organization, encourage Latinos to vote, and increase your understanding of migration dynamics. Containing current research and case studies, this valuable book will help you comprehend the challenges that Latinos face in this country and respect the gains they have made in spite of the obstacles in their way.

Latino Poverty in the New Century: Inequalities, Challenges, and Barriers Review

I expected this book to give me more detail on how to help those in poverty in the Hispanic population. While it has some good information, it focuses more on policy, racism and structure than I wanted.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Latino Poverty in the New Century: Inequalities, Challenges, and Barriers" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Latino Poverty in the New Century: Inequalities, Challenges, and Barriers ...

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