Islamikaze: Manifestations of Islamic Martyrology

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Raphael Israeli's overview of Islamic martyrology focuses upon the situation that has developed worldwide since the World Trade Centre was destroyed. His thesis is that a sea-change has occurred in international terrorism that supersedes all other perspectives.Islamikaze: Manifestations of Islamic Martyrology Review
In FrontPageMag, Andrew Bostom's review of this book explains the weird title:"At the end of June 1996, an article which had originally appeared in the London Arabic publication Al-Watan al-Arabi, was translated into English and cited by Ha'aretz, describing a slogan proudly displayed at the main entrance to a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, which became known as the 'Kamikaze Barracks'. The proclamation was: 'Jihad-Istishhad-Paradise-Islamic Kamikaze-Human Bombs', meaning, 'The Holy War of Islam-Death in Martyrdom-The Promised Hereafter-By Means of Muslim Kamikaze-who are Human Bombs'. This banner captures the essential elements embodied by Raphael Israeli's designation, 'Islamikaze'. . . .To understand why it's important to read this book you just have to know what jihad is. Here is the definition by Robert Spencer, author of Onward Muslim Soldiers:
Jihad is a central duty of every Muslim. Modern Muslim theologians have spoken of many things as jihads: defending the faith from critics, supporting its growth and defense financially, even migrating to non-Muslim lands for the purpose of spreading Islam. But violent jihad is a constant of Islamic history. Many passages of the Qur'an and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad are used by radical Muslims today to justify their actions and gain new recruits. No major Muslim group has ever repudiated the doctrines of armed jihad. The theology of jihad, which denies unbelievers equality of human rights and dignity, is available today for anyone with the will and means to bring it to life.
Bostom goes on to say:
"Islamikaze is an uncompromising, and meticulously documented work. The author first traces the development and largely unchallenged proliferation of Islamikaze to two unique Islamic institutions - jihad war, and its corollary institution dhimmitude. He summarizes elegantly the salient features of Bat Ye'or's conception of dhimmitude as, ' ...not only a subservient political, social, economic, and judicial terms, conferred on Jews and Christians...from which they could not disengage unless they converted to Islam, but it also became a state of mind..which dictated caution, surreptitious maneuvering in order to survive and a self-humiliating sycophancy towards the Muslim ruler in the hope of gaining his favor...[amounting] in the final analysis, after many centuries of oppression and contempt by the rule of Islam, to self-diminution of the dhimmis...self-flagellation...and a total distortion of their self-image and the image of their oppressors. So much so that many Christians and Jews, years after being liberated from dhimmitude continued to think and act as dhimmis, namely to hold themselves grateful to their Muslim masters who beat, humiliated and mistreated them. What is more , the spirit of dhimmitude has been adopted, or taken over, by many Western societies today which for reasons hard to understand or explain, pretend not to hear or comprehend Muslim threats, smile and evince `understanding' in the face of those threats, and seem to be marching foolishly towards spiritual and cultural capitulation and enslavement.'""Israeli also maintains that a widespread societal dhimmitude renders the West susceptible to wanton acts of terror by Muslim perpetrators, sanctioned by jihad - an institution Islamic societies have never abrogated. And, he notes, it '...remains only a question of practicability whether [jihad] is enforced or postponed to better days.'"The specific ideology and basic goals of Islamikaze can be gleaned from various Islamist writings presented by the author, including those of the prominent Muslim Brotherhood cleric (and Al-Jazeera 'television personality') Yusuf Qaradawi, and Umar al-Bakri, leader of the Islamic Movement in Britain. In various fatwas, Qaradawi sanctions 'martyrdom operations', murderous Islamikaze attacks, particularly against Israelis, all of whom are considered legitimate targets. Despite the Qur'anic prohibition against 'suicide', Qaradawi argues cogently, that Islamikaze attacks, as acts of 'martyrdom', are sanctioned, and in fact, sacred. . . . "We need to be aware of where these fundamentalist radicals are coming from and what their intentions are because they seek to affect all our lives in some very deep ways. The Muslim invasions of Europe which were only halted at Vienna in 1643 were a jihad and this "War on Terror" is really a defense against jihad.Israeli also gives some specific recommendations as to how western civilization should go about defending itself without riding roughshod over other civilizations. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment Comment
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