Saturday, April 20, 2013

Invention of the Modern Cookbook

Invention of the Modern Cookbook

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Invention of the Modern Cookbook On Sale

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Product Description

Every kitchen has at least one well-worn cookbook, but just how did they come to be? Invention of the Modern Cookbook is the first study to examine that question, discussing the roots of these collections in 17th-century England and illuminating the cookbook's role as it has evolved over time.

Readers will discover that cookbooks were the product of careful invention by highly skilled chefs and profit-minded publishers who designed them for maximum audience appeal, responding to a changing readership and cultural conditions and utilizing innovative marketing and promotion techniques still practiced today. They will see how cookbooks helped women adjust to the changes of the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution by educating them on a range of subjects from etiquette to dealing with household servants. And they will learn how the books themselves became "modern," taking on the characteristics we now take for granted.


Invention of the Modern Cookbook Review

Cookbooks are a universally popular and every month sees dozens and dozens new cookbook titles being published every month. Indeed, the Midwest Book Review features a regular monthly review column called "The Cookbook Shelf" in order to accommodate them. But cookbooks, celebrity chefs, and the culinary arguments over them and contests for acceptance between them is no new phenomena but goes back into early decades of the18th century. A superbly organized and painstakingly researched 300-page compendium, "Invention Of The Modern Cookbook" by food historian Sandra Sherman begins with an informed introduction, then moves on to the issue of culinary authority and the rise of celebrity chefs, examples of early cookbook texts, and the role marketing strategies played with respect to cookbook publishing. Of special note is the chapter devoted to niche and specialty cookbooks. Enhanced with the inclusion of an extensive bibliography and a comprehensive index, Sandra Sherman's "Invention Of The Modern Cookbook" is especially appropriate for academic library reference shelves and would prove to be a welcome and popular addition to community library collections for the non-specialist general reader with an interest in cookbooks and cookbook history.

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