Minoli-Cordovana's Authoritative Computer & Network Security Dictionary

Product Description
A dictionary and handbook that defines the field and provides unique insightTurn to Minoli-Cordovana's Authoritative Computer and Network Security Dictionary for clear, concise, and up-to-date definitions of terms, concepts, methods, solutions, and tools in the field of computer and network security. About 5,555 security- and IT-related words and phrases are defined. Drawing their definitions from their work experience and from a variety of established and respected sources, the authors have created a single, up-to-the-minute, and standardized resource that users can trust for accuracy and authority.
The dictionary is written for industry executives, managers, and planners who are charged with the responsibility of protecting their organizations from random, negligent, or planned attacks on their information technology resources. It not only defines terms, but also provides these professionals with critical insight into the terms' use and applicability in the field of IT security. Users can therefore refer to the dictionary as a handbook and guide to provide direction and support in all critical areas of computer and network security.
Using a holistic approach, the dictionary takes a broad view of computer and network security, providing users with a single source that defines the complete field, including:
* Definitions targeting the many resources that need to be protected, such as hosts, systems, OSs, databases, storage, information, communications links, communications network elements, clients, PCs, PDAs, VoIP devices, wireless access points and devices, Bluetooth systems, digital content, e-mail, and more
* Definitions for a core set of general IT and networking topics and terms, focusing on recent threats such as worms, viruses, trojans, physical security, internally based attacks, and social engineering
* Definitions for financial topics and terms that are connected to IT security issues, to support the business case for strong security mechanisms at the firm
With the worldwide financial impact of malicious code estimated at roughly 100 billion dollars a year and the threat of ever-increasing vulnerabilities, this dictionary provides essential support to help identify and reduce security risks and protect network and computer users from hostile applicationsand viruses.
Minoli-Cordovana's Authoritative Computer & Network Security Dictionary Review
The authors attempt to include as many terms as possible, that you are likely to encounter in the field of computer and network security. These range from "HTML" and "markup language" to "ATM" or "asynchronous transfer mode". Unsurprisingly, the dominent network which is covered here is the Internet. So you can find out what "TCP/IP" really stands for.In my field of attacking phishing and pharming, the book's description of these is accurate. So too is its general assessment of a lack of technical answers, based on publicly available knowledge at the time it was written.
The level of technical explanation is moderate. For mathematically related terms, there's not much maths given. For other terms, it's at a level probably suitable to a reader with some background in general computing. If you are already at the level of possessing a degree in engineering or computing, then you don't need this book.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Minoli-Cordovana's Authoritative Computer & Network Security Dictionary" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Minoli-Cordovana's Authoritative Computer & Network Security Dictionary ...

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