Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Local Government in Early America: The Colonial Experience and Lessons from the Founders

Local Government in Early America: The Colonial Experience and Lessons from the Founders

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Local Government in Early America: The Colonial Experience and Lessons from the Founders On Sale

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Product Description

Local Government in Early America is a concise and thought-provoking exploration of the American desire for political participation, most notably in the 'town hall meeting.' A product of early New England democracy, this form of direct local participation remains one of the most celebrated, yet feared, institutions in our political life. Depending upon one's political perspective on the issue at hand, a lively town hall meeting can be the glorious epitome of grassroots activism or the wretched embodiment of reactionary zeal. For all of the media attention devoted to the conservative revolt against health care reform at town hall meetings across the country, the political right is late to game on local activism. From resolutions opposed to the Patriot Act or the declaration of nuclear free zones in cities, the political left has used the rhetorical power of the local political pulpit to great effect for many years. All of this is possible because of the manner in which local governments were constructed during the colonial period. Author Brian Janiskee details the origins of our local system by examining key characteristics of local colonial political life, including what key founders like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had to say about the role of our villages, towns, and cities in our complex system of government. Through this timely analysis of our political heritage, Janiskee may cause observers to reevaluate the phrase 'all politics is local.' Indeed it may be the case that 'all local politics is national.'

Local Government in Early America: The Colonial Experience and Lessons from the Founders Review

Janiskee's work, which I had the opportunity of reading as it was being reviewed for publication, represents a dramatic departure from the study of local government generally. Drawing on an array of American founding literature, Janiskee synthesizes their thoughts on the purpose of local government, a topic generally ignored in the study of these sources. Preserving self-government is the great theme. We today need to keep these grand national themes in mind when we study and practice local government. The break in these themes is most vivid in the 17th amendment, which broke the tie between voting for a state representative and the election of a senator. Before the 17th local government was tied constitutionally to the national government. We today need to restore the tie in other ways. Janiskee's work provokes that and other discussions.

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