Learners, Learning and Educational Activity (Foundations and Futures of Education)

Product Description
Learners, Learning and Educational Activity offers a new and creative approach to the psychology of learning. The central idea in the book is that learning in schools and other educational settings is best understood by paying attention to both individual learners and the educational contexts in which learning takes place.
Providing an accessible introduction to new ideas and recent developments in cognitive and socio-cultural perspectives on learning, the book reviews advances in selected topics that are especially relevant for teachers and other educators. These include:
- learners � conceptions of the nature of learning
- the development of advanced levels of learning and thinking
- the role of motivation and self-regulation in learning
- how learning and thinking relate to social and cultural contexts
- the ways in which these contexts influence interactions between teachers and learners.
By illustrating connections between individual and social aspects of learning in educational settings in and out of school, the book encourages teachers, parents and other educators to think about learners and learning in new ways.
</p>Learners, Learning and Educational Activity (Foundations and Futures of Education) Review
Professor of Psychology in Education Judith Ireson presents Learners, Learning and Educational Activity, a discussion of advanced educational concepts that collects ideas and research from psychology and social theory. The primary emphasis is that learning in schools and other settings is best understood and improved staying alert to both the needs of individual learners and the educational contexts in which learning takes place. Chapters discuss diverse cultural perspectives on learning and thinking, the interconnections between the individual and his or her culture both at home and at school, how to best optimize interactions for students' learning, and more. "Classroom talk may also be used to encourage children's participation in meaningful exchanges that build on and develop their ideas and lines of thinking. Particular forms of interaction encourage these types of exchange, especially those that reduce the teacher's traditional, domination of classroom talk through transmission of information. Exchanges that encourage dialogic, as opposed to monologic, styles of interaction provide students with space to explore an express their own ideas and think about them in relation to those of their classmates and their teacher." A welcome contribution to educational studies shelves that reviews crucial topics and problems confronted by teachers and educational professionals on a day-to-day basis.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Learners, Learning and Educational Activity (Foundations and Futures of Education)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Learners, Learning and Educational Activity (Foundations and Futures of Education) ...

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