Monday, March 11, 2013

Meaningful Information: The Bridge Between Biology, Brain, and Behavior (SpringerBriefs in Biology)

Meaningful Information: The Bridge Between Biology, Brain, and Behavior (SpringerBriefs in Biology)

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Meaningful Information: The Bridge Between Biology, Brain, and Behavior (SpringerBriefs in Biology) On Sale

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Product Description

The book introduces a radically new way of thinking about information and the important role it plays in living systems. It opens up new avenues for exploring how cells and organisms change and adapt, since the ability to detect and respond to meaningful information is the key that enables them to receive their genetic heritage, regulate their internal milieu, and respond to changes in their environment. It also provides a way of resolving Descartes �� dilemma by explaining the workings of the brain in non-mechanical terms that are not tainted by spiritual or metaphysical beliefs. The types of meaningful information that different species and different cell types are able to detect are finely matched to the ecosystem in which they live, for natural selection has shaped what they need to know to function effectively in those circumstances. Biological detection and response systems range from the chemical configurations that govern genes and cell life to the relatively simple tropisms that guide single-cell organisms, the rudimentary nervous systems of invertebrates, and the complex neuronal structures of mammals and primates. The scope of meaningful information that can be detected and responded to reaches its peak in our own species, as exemplified by our special abilities in language, cognition, emotion, and consciousness, all of which are explored within this new framework.

Meaningful Information: The Bridge Between Biology, Brain, and Behavior (SpringerBriefs in Biology) Review

I have read reviews for twenty years without contributing my own. I do so now in the futile hope that this book earns the wide readership it deserves. This book fulfills the promise of its subtitle: It bridges biology brain and behavior. Yet more so, without resorting to spirituality, metaphysics, or quantum mechanics it very simply resolves the Cartesian Duality. It is written in a straightforward manner as its liberal sample suggests. I have a Ph.D. in psychology and despite having a real life enjoy reading book on Descartes, reductive materialism and determinism, so this was not a difficult read for me. But I believe the book is accessible to a broad audience with these interests and there is enough of a sample here for you to be your own judge. I thought the auther was very matter of fact in his style, avoided technical terms, and had no ax to grind or ever got lost in the subtle ad hominenem speech that sometimes distracts philosophers in this area. I found the book's central thesis concerning "Meaninful Information" original, and not a review of neuroscience nor biology, nor dependent on Wiener and Shannon who are quoted only five times.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Meaningful Information: The Bridge Between Biology, Brain, and Behavior (SpringerBriefs in Biology)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Meaningful Information: The Bridge Between Biology, Brain, and Behavior (SpringerBriefs in Biology) ...

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