Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Essentials of Political Analysis

The Essentials of Political Analysis

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The Essentials of Political Analysis On Sale

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Product Description

Political science students need to get comfortable using the tools of political analysis. For stats-phobic undergrads, the research methods course need not need be nerve wracking, especially with Pollock� s bestselling text to help them along the way.

His brief, accessible guide walks students through the basics� measuring concepts, formulating and testing hypotheses, describing variables—while using key terms, chapter-opening objectives, 80 tables and figures, and class-tested exercises to get them using and applying their new skills.

The new fourth edition features enhanced treatment of research design and logic controlled comparison and illustrates complex relationships with more accessible examples. A completely revised rubric further helps students identify these complex relationships in their own research.


The Essentials of Political Analysis Review

On dark, stormy nights when I get to feeling sorry for myself, or when I think I deserve some sort of masochistic punishment, I retrieve this book from the furthest, blackest corners of my closet and indulge myself in the painful sorrow that is Political Analysis. A few hours later, in exhausted soul-wrenching torment, I chuck it back to Hell (excuse me, my closet) and try to pretend that such a life-numbing text never existed. I try to pretend that this brightly covered package of depression never blighted this earth.

It never works.

In all seriousness, this book is perfectly fine. It's extremely boring (and I'm a poli sci major who actually digs this stuff!) and dry and vaguely odious, but it's survivable. I suppose the knowledge and information it provides is what's most important--and in truth, it provides plenty of both-- but it's like trying to swim in a vat of cold oatmeal. You just get stuck in the same spot and what you imagined would be a refreshing read is suddenly and most simplistically described as "gross".

I still wake up crying sometimes, terrified by the thought that it's lingering passages will never leave me...

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