Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET

Product Description
The most up-to-date Visual Basic.NET programming textbook—covering both fundamentals and advanced-level programming techniques� complete with examples and solutions
Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB), which is implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft currently supplies two major implementations of Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Studio (which is commercial software) and Microsoft Visual Studio Express (which is free of charge).
Forgoing the large amounts of programming codes found in most database programming books, Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET shows students and professionals both how to develop professional and practical database programs in a Visual Basic.NET environment by using Visual Studio.NET Data Tools and Wizards related to ADO.NET 4.0, and how to apply codes that are auto-generated by solely using Wizards. The fully updated Second Edition:
- Covers both fundamentals and advanced database programming techniques
- Introduces three popular database systems with practical examples including MS Access, SQL Server 2008, and Oracle
- Features more than fifty sample projects with detailed illustrations and explanations to help students understand key techniques and programming technologies
- Includes downloadable programming codes and exercise questions
This book provides undergraduate and graduate students as well as database programmers and software engineers with the necessary tools to handle the database programming issues in the Visual Studio.NET environment.
Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET Review
This book provided practical and easy-to-learn VB database programming techniques with a novel writing style to reduce the learning curves of the college students in database programming developments and to increase the students' learning interests in this topic, and furthermore to improve the students' database programming techniques with Visual Basic.NET.Quite a few real database programming example projects are discussed and covered in each chapter with detailed description and illustrations. Unlike other similar books, in which a huge block of codes are provided through the whole book and it is a headache to beginners in database programming, this book provides a new writing style with Design Tools and Wizards provided by Visual Studio.NET.
With a few lines of codes, a professional and practical Visual Basic.NET database project can be built and developed. That makes the VB database programming as a fun!
This book is a good textbook for college students majored in Computer Science and Information System, and a good reference book for database programmers.
At a matter of fact, I am using it as one of my references for the database concepts as well as the detailed VB .NET programming practice when working on my assignments. It helps me a lots.
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