Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology)

Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology)

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Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) On Sale

   Updated Price for Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) now
Purchase Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) low price

Product Description

Neuroradiology, the top-selling book in the Requisites in Radiology series by Dr. David Yousem et al., efficiently presents everything you need to know about diagnostic imaging of the most commonly encountered neurological conditions. The authors address the conceptual, technical, and interpretive core knowledge needed for imaging the brain, spine, head, and neck, and discuss all the high-tech imaging modalities used, including diffusion weighted imaging, CT angiography, and MR spectroscopy. Compact yet authoritative, this work is a great reference for both board preparation and practice.

  • Focus on the essentials needed to pass the boards and the Certificate of Added Qualification exam.
  • Easily review and visualize important facts with more than 1,000 high-quality pictures, charts, lists, boxes, tables, differential diagnoses and suggested readings.
  • Get all you need for daily reference with a concise, yet comprehensive format.
  • Interpret the findings generated from each high-tech imaging modality used to study the brain, spine, head, and neck, including diffusion weighted imaging, perfusion weighted imaging, CT angiography, MR angiography, and MR spectroscopy.

��  � �   � Carry and consult this resource easily with its new, more compact book size.


Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) Review

The paper is like standard laser paper and the pictures and text are washed out in appearance. The font also was decreased in size, which further makes it difficult to read. It would have been better to print on better quality paper with a larger font and more contrast. The slight increase in cost for the consumer would have been worth it. I returned this book after I called and asked if they made a mistake in the printing, but they said the book was intended as I described it.

Use an older version or one of the many other introductory neuroradiology texts. Even the preface to the current edition of this book states that most of the text is factually unchanged except for the stroke chapter.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) ...

Buy Neuroradiology: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) Cheap

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