Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Clinical Hypertension (Kaplan))

Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Clinical Hypertension (Kaplan))

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Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Clinical Hypertension (Kaplan)) On Sale

   Updated Price for Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Clinical Hypertension (Kaplan)) now
Purchase Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Clinical Hypertension (Kaplan)) low price

Product Description

This best-selling clinical reference by a world-renowned authority on hypertension was listed as the #1 reference book for hypertension by the American Society for Hypertension in 2006. Dr. Kaplan integrates the latest basic science findings and clinical trial data and presents up-to-date, practical, evidence-based recommendations for treatment and prevention of all forms of hypertension. Abundant algorithms and flow charts are included to aid clinicians in decision-making.

For this Tenth Edition, Dr. Kaplan has a co-author, Ronald Victor, MD, to handle the basic research aspects of hypertension. Highlights include new developments in the pathogenesis of hypertension; discussions on the significance of nighttime blood pressure; new information on the relationship of sleep apnea to blood pressure; updates on diagnosing primary aldosteronism; and detailed information on the latest antihypertensive drugs, including combination drugs.

Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Clinical Hypertension (Kaplan)) Review

This book is far more better then competitors such as Hypertension companion to Braunwald's Heart disease, Comprehensive hypertension and so on. This book is worthwhile to by for general internists, cardiologists and hypertension specialists. Really enjoy reading it

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Clinical Hypertension (Kaplan))" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension (Clinical Hypertension (Kaplan)) ...

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