Sunday, June 19, 2011

Applied Econometrics Using the SAS System

Applied Econometrics Using the SAS System

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Applied Econometrics Using the SAS System On Sale

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Product Description

The first cutting-edge guide to using the SAS� system for the analysis of econometric data

Applied Econometrics Using the SAS® System is the first book of its kind to treat the analysis of basic econometric data using SAS®, one of the most commonly used software tools among today's statisticians in business and industry. This book thoroughly examines econometric methods and discusses how data collected in economic studies can easily be analyzed using the SAS� system.

In addition to addressing the computational aspects of econometric data analysis, the author provides a statistical foundation by introducing the underlying theory behind each method before delving into the related SAS � routines. The book begins with a basic introduction to econometrics and the relationship between classical regression analysis models and econometric models. Subsequent chapters balance essential concepts with SAS � tools and cover key topics such as:

  • Regression analysis using Proc IML and Proc Reg

  • Hypothesis testing

  • Instrumental variables analysis, with a discussion of measurement errors, the assumptions incorporated into the analysis, and specification tests�

  • Heteroscedasticity, including GLS and FGLS estimation, group-wise heteroscedasticity, and GARCH models

  • Panel data analysis

  • Discrete choice models, along with coverage of binary choice models and Poisson regression

  • Duration analysis models</ul>

    Assuming only a working knowledge of SAS®, this book is a one-stop reference for using the software to analyze econometric data. Additional features include complete SAS® code, Proc IML routines plus a tutorial on Proc IML, and an appendix with additional programs and data sets. Applied Econometrics Using the SAS® System serves as a relevant and valuable reference for practitioners in the fields of business, economics, and finance. In addition, most students of econometrics are taught using GAUSS and STATA, yet SAS® is the standard in the working world; therefore, this book is an ideal supplement for upper-undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics, economics, and other social sciences since it prepares readers for real-world careers.

    Applied Econometrics Using the SAS System Review

    This book provides an introduction to a variety of analytical methods and how to implement them using SAS. Each topic covered starts with a concise overview of the theory, and demonstrates how to implement the method using matrix algebra with SAS IML, then discusses examples using the relevant SAS procedures. Many of the examples are drawn from standard textbooks used for university econometrics courses. Very few colleges seem to use SAS as the programming environment for econometrics or statistics courses even though SAS is pervasive in the business world where most students will spend their working careers. This book will be useful for both students and practitioners.

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