Understanding Today's Natural Gas Business

Product Description
Updated October, 2009 - A comprehensive overview of the natural gas industry. This book covers topics ranging from how natural gas developed and the physical system, to end users and deregulation, and the major players to market dynamics. A perfect introduction to the industry for new hires or a resource book for any level industry player.Understanding Today's Natural Gas Business Review
This book is great for a primer. It pretty much describes what happens from beginning to end in fairly simple terms. It IS pretty complete though in that it covers "midstream" transactions in greater detail than some I've seen. For someone who is not privy to what happens to their gas after it leaves the lease, this book could prove helpful in a general way. You could use this book to learn some questions to ask later. It's easy to read just a chapter a day and finish the book in a couple of weeks. The chapters are short, but informative to those not in the business themselves.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Understanding Today's Natural Gas Business" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Understanding Today's Natural Gas Business ...

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