Programming the PIC Microcontroller with MBASIC (Embedded Technology)

Product Description
The Microchip PIC family of microcontrollers is the most popular series of microcontrollers in the world. However, no microcontroller is of any use without software to make it perform useful functions. This comprehensive reference focuses on designing with Microchip ��s mid-range PIC line using MBASIC, a powerful but easy to learn programming language. It illustrates MBASIC ��s abilities through a series of design examples, beginning with simple PIC-based projects and proceeding through more advanced designs. Unlike other references however, it also covers essential hardware and software design fundamentals of the PIC microcontroller series, including programming in assembly language when needed to supplement the capabilities of MBASIC. Details of hardware/software interfacing to the PIC are also provided.BENEFIT TO THE READER: This book provides one of the most thorough introductions available to the world’s most popular microcontroller, with numerous hardware and software working design examples which engineers, students and hobbyists can directly apply to their design work and studies. Using MBASIC, it is possible to develop working programs for the PIC in a much shorter time frame than when using assembly language.
Programming the PIC Microcontroller with MBASIC (Embedded Technology) Review
This is much more than just a fantastic replacement for the MBasic manual (although it's very good as that). I haven't seen any MBasic tutorials with this much depth anywhere.It's an AMAZING resource, easily one of the best-written textbooks on any subject that I've seen in a long time. It's laid out in a tutorial format, with each chapter building on the ideas in the previous pages. The book is also easy to use to find specific techniques as you would with a reference book, either with the index, or with the thorough way Jack cross-references related chapters within each chapter.
Jack introduces one or two major concepts in each chapter, such as working with digital outputs, I2C, stepper motors, or HSerial, and then shows how to design the electronics parts of the concept as well, and gives solid reasoning for how he's making design choices along the way. He has a deep understanding of both computer theory and electronics design, but presents both of them in a friendly, non-jargon-y way that I think many experience levels could understand.
It covers everything from the stock MBasic commands, to how to use in-line and standalone assembler where needed, to the undocumented (except in the forums) commands hidden in the language. You even get a CD with a FREE version of MBasic Pro called MBasic876 (It is limited to the 16F876 / '876a parts only, which is not a huge limit). Jack also explains the differences between (the current full release) and, AND gives working code for both versions! He even documents all of the mistakes he - and others - have found in the manual, saving much frustration when learning the language.
If you wanted to use this as a textbook, there are "Ideas for Changes to Programs and Circuits" at the end of each chapter, that would make good homework assignments.
The CD also contains all of the code examples from the book (in both and versions, with comments), Linear Technology Circuit Simulation Software\SWCADIII (LTSPICE) circuit simulation tools, and datasheets for all of the parts used in the book.
An extra bonus is the nearly page-long list of references at the end of each chapter, containing information about everything from good 8-bit microcomputer design guides, to where to find current datasheets for the parts used in the chapter, to great freeware resources for the PC.
So far, I have found answers to every question that's stumped me even after reading the Basic Micro forums.
I hope some others can enjoy this as much as I have. It's made me excited again about how much MBasic allows you to do with a PIC.
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