Review of Orthopaedics (Miller, Review of Orthopaedics)

Product Description
At all levels of orthopaedic training and practice, Review of Orthopaedics</i>, by Mark D. Miller, MD, is an ideal, state-of-the-art resource for efficient review of key orthopaedic knowledge and board prep. Thoroughly updated, this edition helps you ensure your mastery of the very latest scientific and clinical information.
- Consult this title on your favorite e-reader with intuitive search tools and adjustable font sizes. Elsevier eBooks provide instant portable access to your entire library, no matter what device you're using or where you're located.</li>
- Focus on the concepts you are most likely to be tested on. Every chapter has been carefully compared to the most recent OITE and ABOS self-assessment exams to ensure that the content covers everything you need to pass…and nothing you don t. </li>
- Learn from the best. Study confidently summaries and review questions compiled by noted national and international subspecialists.
- Efficiently retain and synthesize information thanks to a concise, at-a-glance format with numerous illustrations and summary boxes throughout the book that highlight salient top testing facts and condense complex concepts, to assist you in understanding key material presented in each chapter.
- Hone your skills with succinct, yet thorough synopses of a wide range of key operative techniques.
- Effectively understand and review key concepts through abundant full-color tables and images, including pathology slides.Test your knowledge with multiple-choice review questions.
- Spend more time studying and less time searching. Testable material is now bolded throughout and summarized at the end of each chapter, for quick reference to essential information.
- Easily locate additional sources for study with carefully selected bibliographies, organized by topic.
Review of Orthopaedics (Miller, Review of Orthopaedics) Review
What a remarkable and essential textbook for all orthopaedic residents worldwide.I first used Dr Millers Review in 1992 and continue to have a copy on my desk top since.It is required reading for my own residents.Eugene Sherry MDMost of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Review of Orthopaedics (Miller, Review of Orthopaedics)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Review of Orthopaedics (Miller, Review of Orthopaedics) ...

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