Sunday, September 11, 2011

Netter's Cardiology (Netter Clinical Science)

Netter's Cardiology (Netter Clinical Science)

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Product Description

Netter’s Cardiology, 2nd Edition, by Marschall S. Runge, Cam Patterson, and George Stouffer, uses visually rich Netter artwork to efficiently provide you with a concise overview of cardiovascular anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. You'll rapidly access complete introductions to common issues in cardiology, including annotated references of the most important articles, guidelines, and available evidence. Netter - it's how you know.

  • Efficiently review key details of anatomy, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation with detailed, crystal-clear artwork by Frank H. Netter, MD and other illustrators working in the Netter tradition.
  • Apply dependable clinical advice from Marschall S. Runge, MD, PhD, Cam Patterson, MD and George Stouffer, MD and utilize diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms and clinical pathways developed by the many world-renowned chapter contributors.
  • Utilize annotated references to the most important resources and evidence-based studies.
  • Benefit from expanded coverage of cardiovascular imaging including echocardiography, stress testing and nuclear imaging, and CT and MRI.

Netter's Cardiology (Netter Clinical Science) Review

The book is very well organized. As it states is a great overview for medical students, and interns with a general interest in cardiology. As with all Netter Text the figures and diagrams were excellent. Not only the hand drawn figures but the actual examples of various imaging techniques were good as well. Every table, flow chart and or box was useful, well written and very easy to interpret and is high yield. Some were basic in discussing medications for example and others were complex when explaining hemodynamics. The authors do a good job of making an effort to make an interdisplinary approach to the heart making the text easy to read and understand. In addition at the end of every section there are resources for additional information as well as a box highlighting some of the current evidence.

Section 1 was one of my favorites, stressing the importance of physical exam findings along with various basic diagnostic techniques. A part often left out in other texts. The section on imaging was notably very up to date and had future directions commented on as well.

Section 2 as on ACS and gave excellent flow diagrams and management options. It was nice that at the end of the chapters there were directions for further readings as well as guidelines used as citation. There were even major studies were noted in the actual text which was a nice touch.

Section 3 focused on the cardiomyopathys, the figures and tables in this section were the highlights. Moreover there was a good basic description of the clinical presentation and mgmt options available. The parts on the path physiology of the cardiomyopathys were very easy to read and made understanding the actual disease process easier.

Section 4 was on rhythm abnormalities. There were excellent decryptions of the
Various arrhythmias, but I would have liked more ECG examples of the rhythms, however for the scope of this text there were enough.

Section 5 was focused valvular heart disease. Again in similar fashion to the prior sections there was a little path physiology, clinical presentation and management options. The tables and diagrams can definitely help the reader better understand the valvular pathologies.

Section 6 was on the pericardium. Often this section is only mentioned in other text but here it received some much needed attention.

Sections 7 was on some bread and butter internal medicine as well as cardiology as it resolved around various vascular diseases. The sections on treatment and diagnosis stand out in my mind as these figures were some of the best.

Section 8 is on congenital heart disease. Again this section is often only minimally mentioned in adult cardiology texts due to the vast amounts of information. Here the netter diagrams along with real echo pictures really aided in understanding the anatomy.

Sections 9 commented on cardiovascular conditions in various other conditions. This section is probably most useful for young internist as well as medical students with limited interest in cardiology as a career but wanting to better understand the heart's role in various other disease states.

Section 10 comments on the future directions of cardiac disease and does a good job of discussing some of the up and coming ideas in cardiology. In particular this section is useful to see cardiac issues on a population basis.

Depending on the audience, I feel this book does a wonderful job of highlighting and giving descriptions of the various parts of cardiology but not only does it provide an overview there is some in-depth discussions on various techniques and treatment options cardiologist use as to have a better informed reader.

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