Thursday, October 17, 2013

Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria

Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria

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Product Description

Enables students to progressively build and apply new skills and knowledge

Designed to be completed in one semester, this text enables students to fully grasp and apply the core concepts of analytical chemistry and aqueous chemical equilibria. Moreover, the text enables readers to master common instrumental methods to perform a broad range of quantitative analyses. Author Brian Tissue has written and structured the text so that readers progressively build their knowledge, beginning with the most fundamental concepts and then continually applying these concepts as they advance to more sophisticated theories and applications.

Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria is clearly written and easy to follow, with plenty of examples to help readers better understand both concepts and applications. In addition, there are several pedagogical features that enhance the learning experience, including:

  • Emphasis on correct IUPAC terminology
  • "You-Try-It" spreadsheets throughout the text, challenging readers to apply their newfound knowledge and skills
  • Online tutorials to build readers' skills and assist them in working with the text's spreadsheets
  • Links to analytical methods and instrument suppliers
  • Figures illustrating principles of analytical chemistry and chemical equilibria
  • End-of-chapter exercises

Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria is written for undergraduate students who have completed a basic course in general chemistry. In addition to chemistry students, this text provides an essential foundation in analytical chemistry needed by students and practitioners in biochemistry, environmental science, chemical engineering, materials science, nutrition, agriculture, and the life sciences.

Basics of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Equilibria Review

This book is a keeper, if you are going for a degree where a working knowledge of chemistry is crucial. This book will not disappoint. Another student who had taken Chemistry 1110 and 1120 recommended it to me and I am very grateful. Even if this is not an assigned text, do yourself a favor and get it (it is relatively "reasonably priced" as far as college textbooks go. It is definitely going to be helpful in your pursuit of understanding and becoming "fluent" in Chemistry!

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