Craft and Spirit: A Guide to the Exploratory Psychotherapies (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series)

Product Description
In Craft and Spirit, Joseph Lichtenberg writes of the craft of exploratory psychotherapy, by which he means the creative skill — even artistry � that mobilizes the spirit of inquiry in therapist and patient and sustains it over the course of psychotherapy. He expatiates on this craft as it pertains to patients of our time � patients who typically bring to therapy backgrounds of insecure attachment and serious concerns about safety and retraumatization.� In each of ten chapters, Lichtenberg formulates a different guideline for technique, keyed to the broad domain of exploratory psychotherapies and are accompanied by numerous clinical illustrations. These guidelines seek to foster greater therapist involvement without compromising an openness to psychological exploration. They seek to sensitize therapists to the two interlacing tracks of communication that unfold in treatment: those of verbal exchange and of enactive messages.� � And they help guide therapist attention among interpenetrating domains of the patient� �s subjectivity, the therapist ��s subjectivity, and the intersubjective realm that emerges from their collaborative experience.�
Fusing the humanist tradition of therapeutic inquiry with knowledge gained from recent infancy and child research, Lichtenberg develops guidelines suitable to exploratory therapy with patients who communicate not only verbally but also through diverse affect states and altered cognitions. Consistently illuminating on the parallels and disjunctions between caregiver� �child and therapist� patient relationships, Lichtenberg is clear about the adult-to-adult dimension of exploratory work in which ��provision� � is necessarily subordinate to “inquiry.� � Craft and Spirit is aimed equally at prospective patients, therapists, and analysts, all of whom will be edified by this masterful demonstration of the ways in which a spirit of inquiry imbues the craft of psychotherapy, in Lichtenberg� s words, ��with its liveliness of sustained purpose.”
Craft and Spirit: A Guide to the Exploratory Psychotherapies (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series) Review
Lichtenberg has pulled together all of the important issues to consider when practicing psychodynamic psychotherapy and collected them in this relatively short volume. He writes with clarity and eloquence, which is a gift not all psychoanalysts share! This work is both personal and scientific, but never dense or tangential in nature. He provides the audience with a text that is a must-have for all clinicians! This book may be used as an introduction to psychodynamic psychotherapy or a refresher for those clinicians who have been practicing for several years.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Craft and Spirit: A Guide to the Exploratory Psychotherapies (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Craft and Spirit: A Guide to the Exploratory Psychotherapies (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series) ...

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