Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning Across Languages and Cultures

Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning Across Languages and Cultures

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Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning Across Languages and Cultures On Sale

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Product Description

Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning Across Languages and Cultures is a cross-over volume in the literature between first and second language/literacy. This anthology of articles brings together different voices from a range of publications and fields and unites them in pursuit of an understanding of how academic ways of knowing are acquired. The editors preface the collection of readings with a conceptual framework that reconsiders the current debate about the nature of academic literacies. In this volume, the term academic literacies denotes multiple approaches to knowledge, including reading and writing critically.

College classrooms have become sites where a number of languages and cultures intersect. This is the case not only for students who are in the process of acquiring English, but for all learners who find themselves in an academic situation that exposes them to a new set of expectations. This book is a contribution to the effort to discover ways of supporting learning across languages and cultures--and to transform views about what it means to teach and learn, to read and write, and to think and know.

Unique to this volume is the inclusion of the perspectives of writers as well as those of teachers and researchers. Furthermore, the contributors reveal their own struggles and accomplishments as they themselves have attempted to negotiate academic literacies. The chronological ordering of articles provides a historical perspective, demonstrating ways in which issues related to teaching and learning across cultures have been addressed over time. The readings have consistency in terms of quality, depth, and passion; they raise important philosophical questions even as they consider practical classroom applications. The editors provide a series of questions that enable the reader to engage in a generative and exciting process of reflection and inquiry. This book is both a reference for teachers who work or plan to work with diverse learners, and a text for graduate-level courses, primarily in bilingual and ESL studies, composition studies, English education, and literacy studies.

Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning Across Languages and Cultures Review

This is a book about second language writing, the diversity of dialectic and linguistic discourse, and the history of composition classes. It is a collection of previously published essays. Several of the chapters are by researchers in the field of literacy or discourse, however, the book contains no studies of the technical aspects of writing. Instead, the book offers essays which comment on or illustrate the diversity of academic literacy. Having selected twenty-two essays from a variety of disciplines, Zamel and Spack have chosen to organize the texts in the order in which they were first published. This collection provides an effective introduction to some of the important figures in the field of discourse and second language for people who teach literacy to students of diverse backgrounds and who train teachers,. These essays provide a historical perspective of the study of academic literacy. Finally, a teaching tool and useful reference, this book is also important as an addition to the limited number of books which explore topics related to second language writing and linguistic diversity.

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