Thursday, February 28, 2013

Modelling the Flying Bird (Theoretical Ecology Series)

Modelling the Flying Bird (Theoretical Ecology Series)

Shock Sale Modelling the Flying Bird (Theoretical Ecology Series) very cheapYou looking to find the "Modelling the Flying Bird (Theoretical Ecology Series)" Good news! You can purchase Modelling the Flying Bird (Theoretical Ecology Series) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

This book outlines the principles of flight, of birds in particular. It describes a way of simplifying the mechanics of flight into a practical computer program, which will predict in some detail what any bird, real or hypothetical, can and cannot do. The Flight program, presented on the companion website, generates performance curves for flapping and gliding flight, and simulations of long-distance migration and accounts successfully for the consumption of muscles and other tissues during migratory flights. The program is effectively a working model of a flying bird (or bat or pterosaur) and is the skeleton around which the book is built. The book provides a wider background and then explains how Flight works and shows how to set up and test hypotheses generated by the program.

The book and the program are based on adapting the conventional (and well-tested) thinking of aeronautical engineers to the biological problems of bird flight. Their primary aim is to convince biologists that this is the appropriate way to handle problems that involve flight, to make the engineering background accessible to biologists, and to provide a tool kit in the shape of the Flight program, which they can use to solve practical problems involving bird flight and migration. In addition, the book will be readily accessible to engineers who want to know how birds work, and should be of interest to the ever-growing community working on flapping "micro air vehicles" (MAVs). The program can be used to predict the flight performance and capabilities of reconstructed fossil birds and pterosaurs, flying in ancient atmospheres that differ from present conditions, and also, of course, to predict and account for the results of experiments and observations on living birds and bats.

* An up to date work by the world's leading expert on bird flight
* Examines the biology and biomechanics of bird flight with added reference to the flight of bats and pterosaurs.
* Uses proven aeronautical principles to help solve biological issues in understanding and predicting the flight capabilities of birds and other vertebrates.
* Provides insights into the evolution of flight and the likely capabilities of extinct birds and reptiles.
* Gives a detailed explanation of the science behind, and use of, the author's predictive bird flight simulation program - Flight - which is available on a companion website.
* Presents often difficult concepts in easily understood language.

Modelling the Flying Bird (Theoretical Ecology Series) Review

Good treatment of bird aerodynamics. There are not that many books out there that take a multidisciplinary approach. I like the idea that design does not always requires lots of data points.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics

Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics

Shock Sale Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics very cheapYou looking to find the "Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics" Good news! You can purchase Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics On Sale

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Product Description

Money. Debt. Interest rates. Bankruptcy. Billionaires. Students may understand that money makes the world go 'round, but most are a little shaky when it comes to explaining how and why. Using an A-Z format and containing over 400 entries, this reference book provides an essential foundation of business and economic knowledge for middle-school, high-school, and community college students. Short features scattered throughout the text add interest and fun, while helping students understand how economics affects their daily lives. Best, the entries are written in a style ideal for students just beginning to learn how economies work and function

Teenagers spend over $100 billion annually in the U.S. and influence everything from clothing styles to music and movies to food and cell phones. Money for MinorS≪/i> will help them understand how their daily decisions have a huge impact on the economy. Special features will enable budding moguls to understand how they can become entrepreneurs and create economic value in various ways, evaluate offers from banks and credit card companies, read the business section of the newspaper, understand the importance of various government statistics, and more. And the book will not just prepare students for the higher-level economics courses they will take in high school and college—it will be a terrific guide for anyone doing research on everything from the Great Depression to credit card debt to real estate to inflation. Over 400 clearly written definitions will help students understand the essential concepts of economics and finance. In addition: -Short sidebars scattered throughout the text help students understand how economics affects their daily lives. Topics include reading stock quotes, icon economists like Alan Greenspan, monetary trivia, cool econ and monetary Websites, and the basics of entrepreneurship. -Six mini-lessons provide real-life applications of how the economy functions. Topics include The Federal Reserve System, Gross Domestic Product, Government Spending and Taxation, National Debt, Money, and The Business Cycle. Used as a stand-alone reference or in conjunction with an economics textbook, the definitions in the book will help students learn the language of economics—and help them understand the ways in which individuals, businesses, and government work together to form our $13 trillion economy.


Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics Review

Economics is more than supply and demand, and a thorough understanding is a cornerstone to good personal finance skills. "Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics" is an expertly compiled guide for those students who are just becoming active participants in the economy. Serving a dual purpose as a practical financial training course and an education in economics, "Money for Minors" delivers both intentions superbly with subjects on banking, credit cards, the national economy and more. Enhanced with glossaries, bibliographies, and indexes, "Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics" is a top pick for community library economics collections as well as high school (and college!) libraries.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monitoring in Coastal Environments Using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian Indicators

Monitoring in Coastal Environments Using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian Indicators

Shock Sale Monitoring in Coastal Environments Using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian Indicators very cheapYou looking to find the "Monitoring in Coastal Environments Using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian Indicators" Good news! You can purchase Monitoring in Coastal Environments Using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian Indicators with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Monitoring in Coastal Environments Using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian Indicators On Sale

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Product Description

Here is the first comprehensive book to describe specific environmental applications of foraminifera and thecamoebians. These organisms permit the biological characterization of a variety of freshwater and coastal marine environments and react quickly to environmental stress, natural or anthropogenic. Their small size and hard shells lead to preservation in large numbers in core samples, allowing their use as proxies to reconstruct past environmental conditions. The book introduces the topic to nonspecialists and then goes on to give detailed descriptions of the methods and techniques. Resource managers and consultants in the public and private sectors who routinely work on coastal environmental problems will find this book invaluable.

Monitoring in Coastal Environments Using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian Indicators Review

The book represents a summary of the experience and knowledge amassed by authors in total of over ninety years of research on foraminifera and thecamoebians. They pioneered the use of fossil testate rhizopods for reconstructing pollution history, storminess and others which constitute the aim of this book. It is worth mentioning chapter five because it is very original as it summarizes some of the relevant general information about thecamoebians. They have been domain of geneticists, biologists, taxonomists and the literature concerning them is mainly in nongeological journals, not always readily available; no attempt has been made to use them as geological proxies until very recently. This book is simply-written, easy to understand and the illustrations and diagrams are very clear. It is, on the whole, a readable book. It is intended for the non-specialist, but since it deliberately emphasizes on continental margin areas where over 50% of the world's people live, where most contemporary marine environmental stress problems occur, specialists in the subject will be able to make good use of it as well.

Sara Ballent

Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, Argentina

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Monstrous Motherhood

Monstrous Motherhood

Shock Sale Monstrous Motherhood very cheapYou looking to find the "Monstrous Motherhood" Good news! You can purchase Monstrous Motherhood with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

Although credited with the rise of domesticity, eighteenth-century British culture singularly lacked narratives of good mothers, ostensibly the most domestic of females. With startling frequency, the best mother was absent, disembodied, voiceless, or dead. British culture told tales almost exclusively of wicked, surrogate, or spectral mothers revealing the defects of domestic ideology, the cultural fascination with standards and deviance, and the desire to police maternal behaviors.

Monstrous Motherhood analyzes eighteenth-century motherhood in light of the inconsistencies among domestic ideology, narrative, and historical practice. If domesticity was so important, why is the good mother � s story absent or peripheral? What do the available maternal narratives suggest about domestic ideology and the expectations and enactment of motherhood? By focusing on literary and historical mothers in novels, plays, poems, diaries, conduct manuals, contemporary court cases, realist fiction, fairy tales, satire, and romance, Marilyn Francus reclaims silenced maternal voices and perspectives. She exposes the mechanisms of maternal marginalization and spectralization in eighteenth-century culture and revises the domesticity thesis.

Monstrous Motherhood will compel scholars in eighteenth-century studies, women �s studies, family history, and cultural studies to reevaluate a foundational assumption that has driven much of the discourse in their fields.


Monstrous Motherhood Review

I was pleasantly surprised in reading this book. The creative insights, backed by impressive scholarship, shed light on many ongoing concerns.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

A More Beautiful Question: The Spiritual in Poetry and Art

A More Beautiful Question: The Spiritual in Poetry and Art

Shock Sale A More Beautiful Question: The Spiritual in Poetry and Art very cheapYou looking to find the "A More Beautiful Question: The Spiritual in Poetry and Art" Good news! You can purchase A More Beautiful Question: The Spiritual in Poetry and Art with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

A More Beautiful Question: The Spiritual in Poetry and Art On Sale

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Product Description

As more and more people in North America and Europe have distanced themselves from mainstream religious traditions over the past centuries, a � crisis of faith” has emerged and garnered much attention. But Glenn Hughes, author of A More Beautiful Question: The Spiritual in Poetry and Art, contends that despite the withering popularity of faith-based worldviews, our times do not evince a decline in spirituality. One need only consider the search for � alternative� religious symbolisms, as well as the growth of groups espousing fundamentalist religious viewpoints, to recognize that spiritual concerns remain a vibrant part of life in Western culture.
 � �  �  �   � Hughes offers the idea that the modern ��crisis of faith � is not a matter of vanishing spiritual concerns and energy but rather of their disorientation, even as they remain pervasive forces in human affairs. And because art is the most effective medium for spiritually evocation, it is our most significant touchstone for examining this spiritual disorientation, just as it remains a primary source of inspiration for spiritual experience.
A More Beautiful Question is concerned with how art, and especially poetry, functions as a vehicle of spiritual expression in today� �s modern cultures. The book considers the meeting points of art, poetry, religion, and philosophy, in part through examining the treatments of consciousness, transcendence, and art in the writings of twentieth-century philosophers Eric Voegelin and Bernard Lonergan. A major portion of A More Beautiful Question is devoted to detailed � �case studies” of three influential modern poets: Gerard Manley Hopkins, Emily Dickinson, and T. S. Eliot. In these and its other chapters, the book examines the human need for artistic symbols that evoke the mystery of transcendence, the ways in which poetry and art illuminate the spiritual meanings of freedom, and the benefits of an individual� s loving study of great literature and art.
A More Beautiful Question has a distinctive aim �to clarify the spiritual functions of art and poetry in relation to contemporary confusion about transcendent reality� �and it meets that goal in a manner accessible by the layperson as well as the scholar. By examining how the best art and poetry address our need for spiritual orientation, this book makes a valuable contribution to the philosophies of art, literature, and religion, and brings deserved attention to the significance of the � �spiritual” in the study of these disciplines.

A More Beautiful Question: The Spiritual in Poetry and Art Review

I am spellbound at how 'lightly' Glenn Hughes leads the reader through such a wonderful metaphysical maze of some of the most difficult poetry in English. Perhaps because he's also a published poet as well as a philosopher, he combines both skills. I can't think when I've enjoyed reading a book in philosophy of literature more. Weaving Wordsworth's `Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood' into his reflections on childhood epiphanies, he indicates how our early childhood experiences have a rich imaginative depth in some ways equivalent to the overarching intuitions of myth. He points out how art can recover those intimations of transcendence in a world where they're continually being overlaid or downright assaulted by more pragmatic considerations. Effortlessly drawing on two rather different philosophers, Eric Voegelin and Bernard Lonergan, to my surprise he shows how their insights into art complement each other. Voegelin writes how the work of art somehow creates an image of the whole world (my own preferred example here would be the apparently limited `world' of Giorgio Morandi's still life paintings), while Lonergan explores how art frees us from the narrow requirements of mere survival, opening us out to the joy of experiencing colour, sound, movement, space, words, for their own sake. In this study, Hughes concentrates on poetry, given literary art's capacity to yield `the most nuanced and existentially precise articulations of the experiences, difficulties and insights involved in living out a conscious relationship to transcendent meaning.' (6) He quotes Ezra Pound on artists as `the antennae of the race,' and finds such antennae in three poets who are responding to some of the deepest questings of the human spirit in that crucial century that left the 19th century behind. The book launches into a careful but exuberant study of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Emily Dickinson and T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets. But it's far more than a critical reading of some of their texts. Given the difference in stance, particularly of the non-religiously affiliated Emily Dickinson and the other two poets, in fact Hughes is writing to readers who themselves have experienced the confusions and loss of light that can strangely be found clearly in Hopkins as much as Dickinson. In his reading, the spiritual sinewiness of Eliot is more than matched by the hope against hope courage of Dickinson. The last chapter, on `Art and Spiritual Growth' is an invitation to the reader to take her or his own journey of exploration, a journey lightened and lighted rather than weighed down by the active inner and outward imaginative explorations of self and history of his three authors. His quotation from E. E. Cummings on his experience of every true work of art explains the title of the book: `Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.' Hughes' book for me asked that more beautiful question. His work came across to me as an indispensable exploration in applied aesthetics. It's essential reading for both literary critics and philosophers.

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