Vanishing Coup: The Pattern of World History since 1310

Product Description
How did the Republic of Venice go 486 years without a single coup d’� tat or coup attempt? Is it the same force that has generated stability in Britain since 1746, in the United States since 1776, and in a growing number of nations around the world?This thoughtful and engaging book offers the first extended analysis of coups, which have played a central role in world history and politics. Ivan Perkins draws on his extensive research on the history and inner workings of coups to explain how a small but growing number of nations have escaped chronic violence and built states with perpetually peaceful transfers of power. Readers will explore the rising coup-free zone, from the baroque system behind 486 years of stability in Venice to today’s heavy-handed but efficient regime in Singapore. Along the way, the author recounts some of history ��s most gripping political intrigues: the spontaneous street uprising against King Tarquinius Superbus in Rome, the machinations of Bengali officials that launched the British Empire, and the fears that compelled General Pinochet to join a coup and become dictator of Chile.
Perkins examines in detail the first three coup-free states. He argues against the standard theory of stability, which holds that professional military officers are so thoroughly trained in ethics and civilian control that leading a coup would be unthinkable. Instead, he proposes a new and simpler interpretation: stability is founded not on ethics but on law. An impartial rule of law weakens personal loyalty relationships, especially within the political-military establishment, and inhibits grand criminal conspiracies. The book concludes with a new explanation for the � �democratic peace � and shows why coup-free states form enduring alliances.
Vanishing Coup: The Pattern of World History since 1310 Review
I really enjoyed this book. It raises questions -- and gives deep answers! -- about why advanced democracies do not face coup attempts. That's something you might take for granted, without realizing how surprising it is given the number of coups elsewhere and throughout history. The book is a highly entertaining read (in addition to being thorough and well researched). The author tells a lot of gripping stories as he presents an original (and compelling) explanation that upends the traditional theories about coup-free states.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Vanishing Coup: The Pattern of World History since 1310" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Vanishing Coup: The Pattern of World History since 1310 ...

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