Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cave Biology (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)

Cave Biology (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)

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Cave Biology (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation) On Sale

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Product Description

Biospeleology, the study of organisms that live in caves, has a tremendous potential to inform many aspects of modern biology; yet this area of knowledge remains largely anchored in neo-Lamarckian views of the natural world in both its approaches and jargon. Written for graduate students and academic researchers, this book provides a critical examination of current knowledge and ideas on cave biology, with emphasis on evolution, ecology, and conservation. Aldemaro Romero provides a historical analysis of ideas that have influenced biospeleology, discusses evolutionary phenomena in caves, from cave colonization to phenotypic and genotypic changes, and integrates concepts and knowledge from diverse biological viewpoints. He challenges the conventional wisdom regarding the biology of caves, and highlights urgent questions that should be addressed in order to get a better and more complete understanding of caves as ecosystems.

Cave Biology (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation) Review

I read this after reading "The Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats (Biology of Habitats)" by Culver and Pipan and found it refreshingly different. The book is focused more on the biota and less on the habitat than Culver/Pipan. There is a run down of cavernicoles, kingdom by kingdom, phylum by phylum after a very full section in the beginning on the history of Cave Biology and the dead-end routes that researchers are sent on by the errors of the past. I enjoyed the focus on the current thinking about the evolution of troglomorphies and the role of "preadaptation", the emphasis on conservation and the realisation that the cave is not an energy poor environment. This book will definitely help in planning talks to novice cavers about speleobiology, more so than Culver/Pipan.

I am repeating this review as I had originally left it at and while shows com reviews, com does not show reviews...

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