Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Unchosen Me

The Unchosen Me

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Racial and gender inequities persist among college students, despite ongoing efforts to combat them. Students of color face alienation, stereotyping, low expectations, and lingering racism even as they actively engage in the academic and social worlds of college life. The Unchosen Me examines the experiences of African American collegiate women and the identity-related pressures they encounter both on and off campus.

Rachelle Winkle-Wagner finds that the predominantly white college environment often denies African American students the chance to determine their own sense of self. Even the very programs and policies developed to promote racial equality may effectively impose "unchosen" identities on underrepresented students. She offers clear evidence of this interactive process, showing how race, gender, and identity are created through interactions among one's self, others, and society.

At the heart of this book are the voices of women who struggle to define and maintain their identities during college. In a unique series of focus groups called "sister circles," these women could speak freely and openly about the pressures and tensions they faced in school. The Unchosen Me is a rich examination of the underrepresented student experience, offering a new approach to studying identity, race, and gender in higher education.


The Unchosen Me Review

A very engaging, highly readable academic book! The stories the women tell are amazing and the theory that the author has about how colleges affect black women is very compelling. A must read for people interested in higher education and race.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Understanding the Talmud: A Modern Reader's Guide for Study

Understanding the Talmud: A Modern Reader's Guide for Study

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Understanding the Talmud: A Modern Reader's Guide for Study On Sale

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Product Description

In Understanding the Talmud: A Modern Reader's Guide for Study, Rabbi Edward S. Boraz presents a thoughtful introduction to the Talmud designed for study by the untrained reader. Using a unique approach, Rabbi Boraz focuses on a specific selection from one tractate of the Talmud, allowing readers to uncover the moral and theological concerns of the text. The portion he has selected comes from the tractate Bava Metziah and deals with the conditions under which an oath may be administered in a civil lawsuit. On the surface this issue appears mundane and far removed from the domain of holiness. However, when the discourse is studied in relation to passages from Scripture, Midrash, and Mishnah that are also presented, it becomes a spiritual and ethical adventure. Before embarking on this journey of discovery, the reader is given a concise explanation of the rules of logic and the argumentative style utilized in the Talmud. It becomes evident that the Talmud's style is essential to its mission to understand the timeless messages of Torah in the context of the ever-changing world in which we live. Equipped with the necessary background, the reader is prepared to delve into the texts.

Understanding the Talmud: A Modern Reader's Guide for Study Review

After reading a number of general introductions to the Talmud, I was looking for a book that would help me actually read the Talmud -- that is, take me through an extended passage line-by-line and explain what's going on. From the card catalogue description, "Understanding the Talmud" sounded like it fit the bill, and indeed part of the book does exactly what I wanted. Rabbi Boraz takes the reader through a complete sugya that proposes (and refutes and counter-refutes) various arguments offered in support of a particular statement of law (that if two witnesses testify to only part of a loan, the borrower is entitled to take an oath denying that he owes the remainder). He divides the passage up according to the various propositions advanced, providing his own translation (including an invaluable translation of the Rashi to this passage, something I have rarely seen elsewhere), and explaining how the various arguments work. As he goes through the argument, he does an excellent job of explaining background principles that are necessary to understand the argument. After going through the entire sugya once, a separate chapter discusses in more general terms the theological implications of the oath, the lender/borrower relationship, the role of admissions and witnesses, and the function of the court in Biblical and Midrashic sources. A third chapter then applies these general considerations to the specific arguments advanced in the sugya, deepening one's appreciation of the theological significance of the law under discussion. These three chapters are preceded by an excellent chapter that outlines very clearly the structure of several types of rabbinic argument -- the kal v'chomer, binyan av, gezerah shavah, and k'lal u'phrat -- all of which are used in the sugya under discussion.Although there is a lot to like in this book, there are some significant problems as well. First of all, you are halfway through the book before you actually get to the discussion of the Talmud passage. Some of the introductory material (the discussion of the hermeneutical rules, in particular) is necessary and helpful, but the rest of it could and should have been condensed to about 20 pages.A second problem was created for me by Rabbi Boraz' underlying assumption (sometimes stated explicitly) that the process the rabbis are engaged in in the Midrash, Mishnah and Talmud is one of objective, logical deduction from the first principles of the Torah. He goes so far as to define "hermeneutics" in the glossary as "the science of logic." I will grant that interpretive methods like the gezerah shavah can be applied logically once you adopt that method, but I do not think that *logic* requires you to agree that because the same phrase is used in two places, you can import all of the rules associated with one circumstance into the other. Nor does *logic* require that every phrase in the Torah have its own meaning, with no repetition allowed. Both of these are subjective interpretive choices that may make sense for all kinds of reasons -- but when presented as objective logic, I found myself fighting the arguments and being unpersuaded, even by positions I might have accepted if presented differently.The most fundamental problem with "Understanding the Talmud," however, is that the scripturally based method of Talmud study advocated by Rabbi Boraz is not something that the beginning student can transfer on his own to the reading of other passages of Talmud. As noted above, Rabbi Boraz' approach is very helpful with things like understanding the structure of various rabbinic arguments, and that knowledge is certainly portable to other texts. And he succeeds in demonstrating that knowing the Torah and Midrash behind a given passage of Talmud can deepen your understanding of it. But unless you are already thoroughly familiar with Torah and Midrash, you will not know where to look for that additional deep background. In other words, what Rabbi Boraz really does here is prove that you need a teacher.If you are looking for a general introduction to the Talmud, I would read Rabbi Steinsaltz' "The Essential Talmud" or the early chapters of Holtz' "Back to the Sources," rather than beginning with this. If you already have that background, then you can skip the first four chapters of this book, and just begin with the chapter on hermeneutics. Although "Understanding the Talmud" is not everything I wanted it to be, I can still recommend it because it does an excellent job of explicating the passage under discussion, and gives the reader some skills in analyzing rabbinic arguments that can be used for further reading on one's own. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Undocumented Dominican Migration

Undocumented Dominican Migration

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Undocumented Dominican Migration is the first comprehensive study of boat migration from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico. It brings together the interactive global, cultural, and personal factors that induce thousands of Dominicans to journey across the Mona Passage in attempts to escape chronic poverty. The book provides in-depth treatment of decision-making, experiences at sea, migrant smuggling operations, and U.S. border enforcement. It also explores several topics that are rare in migration studies. These include the psychology of migrant motivation, religious beliefs, corruption and impunity, procreation and parenting, compulsive recidivism after failed attempts, social values in relation to law, marriage fraud, and the use of false documents for air travel from Puerto Rico to the mainland United States.

Frank Graziano �s extensive fieldwork among migrants, smugglers, and federal agencies provides an authority and immediacy that brings the reader close to the migrants’ experiences. The exhaustive research and multidisciplinary approach, highly readable narrative, and focus on lesser-known emigrants make Undocumented Dominican Migration an essential addition to public and academic debates about migration.


Undocumented Dominican Migration Review

Human, creative and scholarly rigorous a book that gently touches the private stories of migrants then to energetically reveal the multiple causes contributing to their departures. A must read that focuses on the local but compels readers to make connections with the global. I enthusiastically recommend this book.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

US Strategy in Africa: AFRICOM, Terrorism and Security Challenges (Routledge Global Security Studies)

US Strategy in Africa: AFRICOM, Terrorism and Security Challenges (Routledge Global Security Studies)

Shock Sale US Strategy in Africa: AFRICOM, Terrorism and Security Challenges (Routledge Global Security Studies) very cheapYou looking to find the "US Strategy in Africa: AFRICOM, Terrorism and Security Challenges (Routledge Global Security Studies)" Good news! You can purchase US Strategy in Africa: AFRICOM, Terrorism and Security Challenges (Routledge Global Security Studies) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

This book outlines the construction, interpretations and understanding of US strategy towards Africa in the early twenty-first century.

No single issue or event in the recent decades in Africa has provoked so much controversy and unified hostility and opposition as the announcement by former President George W. Bush of the establishment of the United Stated Africa Command � AFRICOM. The intensity and sheer scale of the unprecedented unity of opposition to AFRICOM across Africa surprised many experts and lead them to ask why such a hostile reaction occurred.

This book explores the conception of AFRICOM and the subsequent reaction in two ways. Firstly, the contributors critically engage with the creation and global imperatives for the establishment of AFRICOM and present an analytical outline of African security in relation to and within the context of the history of US foreign and security policy approaches to Africa. Secondly, the book has original chapter contributions by some of the key actors involved in the development and implementation of the AFRICOM project including Theresa Whelan, the former US Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs. This is not only an attempt to contribute to the academic and policy-relevant debates based on the views of those who are intimately involved in the design and implementation of the AFRICOM project but also to show, in their own words, that � America has no clandestine agenda for Africa �.

This book will be of interest to students of US foreign policy/national security, strategic studies, international security and African politics.

David J. Francis is Chair of African Peace & Conflict Studies in the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford.


US Strategy in Africa: AFRICOM, Terrorism and Security Challenges (Routledge Global Security Studies) Review

Have you seen maps that show the countries of the world, where the size and shape of each country is not its standard geographic form, but instead something else? Like the population or size of the economy. So, for example, the United States then appears much larger than Canada.

Well in this book, there is a chapter with world maps, each map giving the incidence of some widespread disease, like AIDS, malaria or tubercolosis. In all the cases, several African countries end up far larger than any other nations, and Africa as a whole forms the biggest continent.

The figures would have greater impact had they been in colour. Given the cost of this book, that should have affordable; these days a $30 textbook is often profusely in colour. But even in grayscale, you can appreciate the parlous nature of many African countries and how this contributes to a breeding ground of unrest.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide

Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide

Shock Sale Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide very cheapYou looking to find the "Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide" Good news! You can purchase Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Computing has had a dramatic impact on the discipline of linguistics and is shaping the way we conceptualize both linguistics and language.
Using Computers in Linguistics provides a non-technical introduction to recent developments in linguistic computing and offers specific guidance to the linguist or language professional who wishes to take advantage of them.
Divided into eight chapters, each of the expert contributors focus on a different aspect of the interaction of computing and linguistics looking either at computational resources: the Internet, software for fieldwork and teaching linguistics, Unix utilities, or at computational developments: the availability of electronic texts, new methodologies in natural language processing, the development of the CELLAR computing environment for linguistic analysis.

Using Computers in Linguistics: A Practical Guide Review

I don't know what I was thinking. If I had just read this book a few decades earlier, I wouldn't have wasted my life on GB, which I now realize is complete garbage. I'm sorry to all.

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