Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Focus on Nursing Pharmacology

Focus on Nursing Pharmacology

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Focus on Nursing Pharmacology On Sale

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Product Description

Amy Karch has found that students learn best when concepts are built upon each other, growing from simple to complex, building on a foundation of understanding. Organized by body systems, this heavily illustrated book organizes essential nursing pharmacology information into focused, easy-to-learn steps. Building key concepts upon each other, the text gives students a solid foundation of understanding. Easy to understand drug prototype boxes are integrated throughout the book as well as integrated content summaries. It includes the popular and proven "Focus on" theme for drug use across the lifespan, cultural and gender considerations, evidence-based practice, patient teaching, herbal and alternative therapies and dosage calculation, with "Focus on Safe Medication Administration" and a "Drugs in Focus" table for each classification of drugs.
Drug discussions include therapeutic actions and indications, pharmacokinetics, contraindications and cautions and adverse effects. Detailed rationales are presented throughout. Each chapter opens with Learning Objectives and a Glossary of Key Terms, and ends with NCLEX-style questions, and contains a case study-based critical thinking exercise with a discussion and case-based nursing care guide.

Focus on Nursing Pharmacology Review

The book is very helpful in my class. The Point was an excellent student resource however, I was just disappointed because I could not access the ebook despite the provided code. I was not aware that ebook for Pharmacology is a separate purchase. I wish they had an inclusive price for all of these perks..Overall the book is a handy tool for this class.

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