Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology)

Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology)

Shock Sale Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology) very cheapYou looking to find the "Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology)" Good news! You can purchase Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology) On Sale

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Product Description

Most mental health professionals and behavioral scientists enter the field with a strong desire to help others, but clinical practice and research endeavors often involve decision-making in the context of ethical ambiguity. Good intentions are important, but unfortunately, they do not always protect the practitioner and client from breaches in ethical conduct. Academics, researchers, and students also face a range of ethical challenges from the classroom to the laboratory. Now in a new expanded edition, Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions, the most widely read and cited ethics textbook in psychology, has emerged with a broadened scope extending across the mental health and behavioral science fields. The revised volume considers many of the ethical questions and dilemmas that mental health professionals encounter in their everyday practice, research, and teaching. The book has been completely updated and is now also relevant for counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, and psychiatrists, and includes the ethics codes of those groups as appendices. Providing both a critical assessment and elucidation of key topics in the APA's guidelines, this comprehensive volume takes a practical approach to ethics and offers constructive means for both preventing problems, recognizing, approaching, and resolving ethical predicaments. Written in a highly readable and accessible style, this new edition retains the key features which have contributed to its popularity, including hundreds of case studies that provide illustrative guidance on a wide variety of topics, including fee setting, advertising for clients, research ethics, sexual attraction, how to confront observed unethical conduct in others, and confidentiality, among others. Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions will be important reading for practitioners and students-in training.
An instructors manual is available for professors on

Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology) Review

This exceptional new ethics book is one I share with friends and students at Baylor University who are or wish to become, professional therapists, coaches, or psychologists. The book's wisdom, advice and research go way beyond any professional ethics code in existence. In a fun, engaging style peppered with colorful case histories, these highly trained and experienced authors tell us how to chart the ethical minefield that is counseling, coaching, therapy, family therapy, social work, psychiatry, or clinical psychology. But their approach is positive rather than defensive. That is, we strive to be ethical as part of our pursuit of excellence. We strive to be ethical in order to express our caring and compassion to those we help--people we care for and encourage in the same way we would like to see a loved one cared for and encouraged. Only the best will do. The best therapy or coaching is intertwined with the best ethics like stripes on a peppermint stick. Buy this book. You will not be disappointed.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology) ...

Buy Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology) Cheap

Friday, March 30, 2012

Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review

Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review

Shock Sale Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review very cheapYou looking to find the "Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review" Good news! You can purchase Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review On Sale

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Product Description

Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review is an invaluable study tool for certification and recertification as well as a superb way to ensure mastery of all the key knowledge in anesthesiology. Brian A. Hall and Robert C. Chantigian present nearly 1000 completely updated review questions-vetted by Mayo residents-that cover the latest discoveries and techniques in physics, biochemistry, and anesthesia equipment; the newest drugs and drug categories; and the most recent information on all anesthesia subspecialties. They cover everything from the basic sciences to general anesthesia and subspecialty considerations, with an emphasis on the most important and clinically relevant principles. Access discussions of each question as well as page references to major anesthesia texts. With online access to the text at, you ��ll have the ultimate review guide for the ABA written exam.
  • Tests your knowledge of anesthesia through the most comprehensive coverage of basic science and clinical practice for an effective review.
  • Features questions vetted by Mayo residents to ensure a consistent level of difficulty from trustworthy sources.
  • Features the full text online at for convenient reference.
  • Presents 997 �thoroughly revised questions for the most current and comprehensive review of board material, covering the latest discoveries and techniques in physics, biochemistry, and anesthesia equipment; the newest drugs and drug categories; and the most recent information on all anesthesia subspecialties.
  • Complies with the new ABA format so you have an accurate representation of the new question style and can prepare effectively.
  • Includes discussions after each question, along with references to major anesthesia texts so it � s easy to find more information on any subject.

Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review Review

The 4th edition is essentially the same as the old edition, which can be had at significantly cheaper rates.

Pros: Divided by subject to focus on particular areas. Index is helpful. Question format is a nice change from other review forms.

Cons: There are quite a few errors that detract from quickly going through subjects and make explanations confusing. Many of the questions are low yield, just fact associations for memorization, rather than clinical situations promoting critical thought in a multistep process (as the exam does). Also, many of the questions are just absurdly difficult with explanations that leave one scratching their head regarding if there is anything to be learned from it that can be applied to clinical practice(but this is not too dissimilar from the actual ITE/ABA exam as I recall). Online feature is ho-hum at best. Find another review book if you can.

Personally, I would not buy this version again. There are better options out there for review.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review ...

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine)

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine)

Shock Sale Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine) very cheapYou looking to find the "Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine)" Good news! You can purchase Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine) On Sale

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Product Description

Kumar & Clark ��s Clinical Medicine 8 builds on the prize-winning formula that won the first prize in the BMA Book Awards Medicine Category in 2010 (7th edition) and 2006 (6th edition).

‘This book is comprehensive, student friendly (if still intimidating in size!) and covers such a vast breadth of knowledge. It still remains the primary � �must-have� text book of any budding doctor, or qualified one at that. This book is stunning in its breadth and in its ease of use. It still remains as the ‘gold-standard� thorough guide to clinical medicine its forefathers were. �� BMA Judges 2010

'This is one of a select few books that deserves to be in most doctors' personal possession and it's as simple as that. ... � Dr Harry Brown.

New to this edition:

  • New chapter on palliative medicine.
  • Five times the number of margin clinical photos.
  • New echocardiography images.
  • Double the number of dermatological images; including all the major lesion morphologies covered in a single page.
  • 16 new authors.
  • New sections on protein synthesis, energy production and stem cells.
  • New members of the International Advisory Board from India, South Africa, Poland and the Middle East.
  • 7 new online chapters from the International Advisory Board.

Key online features:

  • 30 extra short chapters online, written by members of the International Advisory Board to cover key international issues, such as malaria, envenoming and HIV.
  • Animated practical procedures, including lumbar puncture, central venous and bladder catheterization, arterial cannulation etc.
  • heart and lung sounds, and
  • interactive surface anatomy available online.
  • One-year� �s online access to the new edition of Goldman � s Cecil Medicine - 2704 more pages of definitive medical reference.
  • Full text and downloadable images online through StudentConsult.
  • Add your own notes and bookmarks.

  • Search across all the StudentConsult resources you own online in one place.

  • </ul>

    New to this edition:

    • New chapter on palliative medicine.
    • Five times the number of margin clinical photos.
    • New echocardiography images.
    • Double the number of dermatological images; including all the major lesion morphologies covered in a single page.
    • 16 new authors.
    • New sections on protein synthesis, energy production and stem cells.
    • New members of the International Advisory Board from India, South Africa, Poland and the Middle East.
    • 7 new online chapters from the International Advisory Board.

    Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine) Review

    A book worth every penny one spends ,easy to grasp and recall. A precise format of presentation for easy understanding of the subject OF CLINICAL MEDICINE for all.............thanks a lot K&C

    Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine (Kumar, Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine) ...

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series)

Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series)

Shock Sale Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series) very cheapYou looking to find the "Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series)" Good news! You can purchase Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series) On Sale

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Product Description

This question-and-answer formatted book provides a complete yet focused review of clinical neurophysiology. It contains 534 questions and detailed answers with page references to larger reference books and textbooks of interest. Emphasis is on key concepts that every neurologist/neurophysiologist must master to take qualification boards or to practice this discipline. Coverage includes basic physics and electronics with their direct practical implications, electroencephalography, evoked potentials, nerve conduction studies, electromyography, sleep medicine, autonomic testing and central neurophysiology, and neurophysiological intraoperative monitoring.

Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series) Review

This book fills a gap as the only test book for clinical neurophysiology. However, it is full of errors. There are about 20 cases where the answer (the explanation) at the end of the question section shows clearly that "A" would be the right answer while the correct answer is stated as "B" (in some of these cases it seems like the question should have been ended with "... except:"). In other cases the explanation misses the main point of the question. In some cases the answer is irrelevant to the main point of the question. Overall, the book has its own merits but seems to have been written in a rush and therefore, is in great need of a thorough editing by the authors and a professional editor.

As far as the online version of the book (which is a great advantage) the publisher should make the window larger to make it possible for the reader to read the answers in one panel rather than scrolling down a very narrow window to read a few lines.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Neurology Self-Assessment Series) ...

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design

The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design

Shock Sale The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design very cheapYou looking to find the "The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design" Good news! You can purchase The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design On Sale

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Product Description

The architect's favorite handbook� now in an up-to-date, new edition!

The Architect's Studio Companion is the labor-saving design resource that architects, engineers, and builders have relied on for years. Now in its Fifth Edition, this industry standard maintains its reputation as a reliable tool for the preliminary selecting, configuring, and sizing of the structural, environmental, and life safety systems of a building. Bestselling authors Edward Allen and Joseph Iano reduce complex engineering and building code information to simple approximations that enable designers to lay out the fundamental systems of a building in a matter of minutes without getting hung up on complicated technical concepts.

Complete with a convenient flex binding that lies flat for easy use, The Architect's Studio Companion, Fifth Edition gives you quick access to reliable rules of thumb that offer vital help for the preliminary design of: structural systems; heating, cooling, and electrical systems; building code height and area limits; exit stairways and other egress provisions; accessibility regulations; surface parking and structured parking garages; and daylight provisions. Additionally, this new edition gives you:

  • The most current building codes in the United States and Canada
  • New coverage of passive heating and cooling systems
  • Guidelines for designing for natural ventilation
  • Extensively updated structural design guidelines

Packed with useful information, The Architect's Studio Companion, Fifth Edition is the definitive resource that no architect should be without.

The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design Review

This is a recommanded book from my studio professor. Unlike other handbook in specific topics, this one tries to give you a hint of everything and it does a good job at that. This studio companion serves as an index, leading you to the basic information needed for your design. However, if you want any more detailed information on any specific subject, you'll need to consult another book.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design ...

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