Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology)

Product Description
Most mental health professionals and behavioral scientists enter the field with a strong desire to help others, but clinical practice and research endeavors often involve decision-making in the context of ethical ambiguity. Good intentions are important, but unfortunately, they do not always protect the practitioner and client from breaches in ethical conduct. Academics, researchers, and students also face a range of ethical challenges from the classroom to the laboratory. Now in a new expanded edition, Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions, the most widely read and cited ethics textbook in psychology, has emerged with a broadened scope extending across the mental health and behavioral science fields. The revised volume considers many of the ethical questions and dilemmas that mental health professionals encounter in their everyday practice, research, and teaching. The book has been completely updated and is now also relevant for counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, and psychiatrists, and includes the ethics codes of those groups as appendices. Providing both a critical assessment and elucidation of key topics in the APA's guidelines, this comprehensive volume takes a practical approach to ethics and offers constructive means for both preventing problems, recognizing, approaching, and resolving ethical predicaments. Written in a highly readable and accessible style, this new edition retains the key features which have contributed to its popularity, including hundreds of case studies that provide illustrative guidance on a wide variety of topics, including fee setting, advertising for clients, research ethics, sexual attraction, how to confront observed unethical conduct in others, and confidentiality, among others. Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions will be important reading for practitioners and students-in training.An instructors manual is available for professors on
Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology) Review
This exceptional new ethics book is one I share with friends and students at Baylor University who are or wish to become, professional therapists, coaches, or psychologists. The book's wisdom, advice and research go way beyond any professional ethics code in existence. In a fun, engaging style peppered with colorful case histories, these highly trained and experienced authors tell us how to chart the ethical minefield that is counseling, coaching, therapy, family therapy, social work, psychiatry, or clinical psychology. But their approach is positive rather than defensive. That is, we strive to be ethical as part of our pursuit of excellence. We strive to be ethical in order to express our caring and compassion to those we help--people we care for and encourage in the same way we would like to see a loved one cared for and encouraged. Only the best will do. The best therapy or coaching is intertwined with the best ethics like stripes on a peppermint stick. Buy this book. You will not be disappointed.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases (Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Psychology) ...