Saturday, December 24, 2011

Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation

Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation

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Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation On Sale

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Product Description

Human error is cited as a major cause in over 70% of accidents, and it is widely agreed that a better understanding of human capabilities and limitations - both physical and psychological - would help reduce human error and improve flight safety.

This book was first published when the UK Civil Aviation Authority introduced an examination in human performance and limitations for all private and professional pilot licences. Now the Joint Aviation Authorities of Europe have published a new syllabus as part of their Joint Aviation Requirements for Flight Crew Licensing.

The book has been completely revised and rewritten to take account of the new syllabus. The coverage of basic aviation psychology has been greatly expanded, and the section on aviation physiology now includes topics on the high altitude environment and on health maintenance. Throughout, the text avoids excessive jargon and technical language.

"There is no doubt that this book provides an excellent basic understanding of the human body, its limitations, the psychological processes and how they interact with the aviation environment. I am currently studying for my ATPL Ground Exams and I found this book to be an invaluable aid. It is equally useful for those studying for the PPL and for all pilots who would like to be reminded of their physiological and psychological limitations."
General Aviation, June 2002

Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation Review

this was a required book for class so I only use the part that the teacher had us used for homework.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation ...

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