Friday, December 23, 2011

Ethics and Law for School Psychologists

Ethics and Law for School Psychologists

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Ethics and Law for School Psychologists On Sale

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Product Description

The definitive text� completely revised� on the professional and legal standards of school psychology

Fully revised and now in its sixth edition, the single best source of authoritative information on the ethical and legal issues associated with school psychological practice includes the most up-to-date standards and requirements of the profession. Citing recent legal rulings and publications as well as historical references, Ethics and Law for School Psychologists provides the most comprehensive foundation for scholarship in this area.

A key reference for understanding and delivering ethically and legally sound services, the text combines the expertise of three leading professionals at the forefront of the field. Completely updated to reflect the National Association of School Psychologists' (NASP) revised 2010 Principles for Professional Ethics, the new edition of this classic text also addresses the final regulations in implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the amended Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In addition, the Sixth Edition features:

  • New material on the management of sensitive, private student information and a revised section on privileged communication
  • Broader coverage of ethical-legal issues in school-based intervention, including a new section on interventions in the general education classroom
  • The latest research and professional literature related to ethics and law in school psychology

Covering the ethical and legal issues that impact every school psychologist, and with numerous pedagogical features including case vignettes, end-of-chapter questions, and topics for discussion, Ethics and Law for School Psychologists, Sixth Edition is well suited for graduate students in school psychology and is a must-have resource for all practicing school psychologists, educators, and school administrators.

Ethics and Law for School Psychologists Review

This is a great book that anyone who wants to know the law would have in their library. It will be in my library.

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