Thursday, December 1, 2011

Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook

Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook

Shock Sale Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook very cheapYou looking to find the "Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook" Good news! You can purchase Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook On Sale

   Updated Price for Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook now
Purchase Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook low price

Product Description

One of the challenges in higher education is helping students to achieve academic success while ensuring their personal and vocational needs are fulfilled. In this updated edition more than thirty experts offer their knowledge in what has become the most comprehensive, classic reference on academic advising. They explore the critical aspects of academic advising and provide insights for full-time advisors, counselors, and those who oversee student advising or have daily contact with advisors and students.
  • New chapters on advising administration and collaboration with other campus services
  • A new section on perspectives on advising including those of CEOs, CAOs (chief academic officers), and CSAOs (chief student affairs officers)
  • More emphasis on two-year colleges and the importance of research to the future of academic advising
  • New case studies demonstrate how advising practices have been put to use.

Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook Review

This text is basically the holy grail for anyone who works in academic services or for any higher ed professional who seeks to increase retention/graduation rates. As Academic Advising evolves from prescriptive, developmental and now, teaching as advising; it is imperative that any director or advisor have this reference in their office. From Freshman, Transfer, Undecided, Adult, International, Underprepared, and Athletic Students, this text surveys characteristics of those students and provides methods in advising those students, laid out by best practices. In short, a must for any higher education professional.

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Buy Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook Cheap

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