Cognitive Psychology 6e

Product Description
Previous editions have established this best-selling student handbook as THE cognitive psychology textbook of choice, both for its academic rigour and its accessibility. This sixth edition continues this tradition. It has been substantially updated and revised to reflect new developments in the field (especially within cognitive neuroscience).
Traditional approaches are combined with the cutting-edge cognitive neuroscience approach to create a comprehensive, coherent and totally up-to-date overview of all the main fields in cognitive psychology. The major topics covered include perception, attention, memory, concepts, language, problem solving, and reasoning, as well as some applied topics such as everyday memory.
New to this edition:
- Presented in full-colour throughout, with numerous colour illustrations including photographs and brain scans
- Increased emphasis on cognitive neuroscience, to reflect its growing influence on cognitive psychology
- A NEW chapter on Cognition and Emotion
- A WHOLE chapter on Consciousness
- Increased coverage of applied topics such as recovered memories, medical expertise, informal reasoning, and emotion regulation incorporated throughout the textbook
- More focus on individual differences in areas including long-term memory, expertise, reasoning, emotion and regulation.
The textbook is packed full of useful features that will engage students and aid revision, including key terms, which are new to this edition, chapter summaries, and suggestions for further reading.
Written by one of the leading textbook authors in psychology, this thorough and user-friendly textbook will continue to be essential reading for all undergraduate students of psychology. Those taking courses in computer science, education, linguistics, physiology, and medicine will also find it an invaluable resource.
This edition is accompanied by a rich array of supplementary materials, which will be made available to qualifying adopters completely free of charge. The online multimedia materials include:
- A PowerPoint lecture course and multiple-choice question test bank
- A unique� Student Learning Program: an interactive revision program incorporating a range of multimedia resources including interactive exercises and demonstrations, and active reference links to journal articles.
Cognitive Psychology 6e Review
I am highly impressed from the hard work Keane and Eysenck have done, making the chaos of cognitive psychology clear once and for all. It's a huge area, and they've managed to organize it into chapters, sub-chapters and section. Each section is parted to "theory", "evidence" and "evaluation", so that there is no way you're going to miss what exactly you're reading about. They've managed to grasp, so I believe, all of the important topics of cognitive psychology, finely explaining the distinctions between the different methodologies used by researches in the field. There is a "further reading" list at the end of every chapter, which is very useful.Highly recommended for undergraduates like myself and everyone interested in the area.
Alas, the book misses the cognitive research of emotions with the boring chapter 15, which simply doesn't get to the important point of that amazing topic. Additionally, the chapters about language didn't involve relevant studies from the area of generative linguistics, which lowered its effectiveness.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Cognitive Psychology 6e" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Cognitive Psychology 6e ...

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