Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Voice over LTE (VoLTE)

Voice over LTE (VoLTE)

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Product Description

Describes the technological solutions and standards which will enable the migration of voice and SMS services over to LTE/EPC networks

Main drivers for the introduction of Long Term Evolution of UTRAN (LTE) is to provide far better end user experience for mobile broadband services. However, service providers also need to have a clear strategy of how to offer voice and messaging services for consumers and enterprises. The voice service over LTE is becoming increasingly important when the smartphone penetration is increasing rapidly. Smartphones require both good quality voice and high speed broadband data.

This book provides the exhaustive view to industry-approved technologies and standards behind the Voice over LTE (VoLTE). Whether a decision maker or technology analyst, this book explains a topic of substantial global market interest. � It provides a good introduction to the technology and is useful for operators who may be deploying VoLTE, product managers responsible for VoLTE products and those who work in implementation and standardization of related technologies.

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of industry-approved technologies and standards, providing vital information for decision makers and those working on the technology
  • Written by authors working at the cutting edge of mobile communications technology today, bringing a mix of standards and product background, guaranteeing in-depth practical and standards information
  • Covering the technical and practical elements of VoLTE, explaining the various approaches for providing voice services over LTE

Voice over LTE (VoLTE) Review

An excellent read for beginners on VoLTE. It has plenty of good detail and is not overwhelming to someone only vaguely with networking.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Voice over LTE (VoLTE)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Voice over LTE (VoLTE) ...

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders

Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders

Shock Sale Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders very cheapYou looking to find the "Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders" Good news! You can purchase Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders On Sale

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Product Description

Najafi Global Mindset Institute� �s new book, Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders, is full of practical and engaging ways to develop a Global Mindset for success in global business. This book is a must-have resource guide for managers and leaders who are in global roles or who have global responsibilities.

In consultation with managers, executives, and very experienced international executive coaches, NGMI has put together a series of recommendations and ideas on how a manager can improve on thirty-five scientifically defined capabilities within Global Mindset. All of the ideas are actionable, specific, and easy to implement. The development tips may be used by individuals or direct reports, coaches, and teams. In addition to a rich variety of development suggestions, engaging narratives throughout the book illustrate the components of Global Mindset in action.

The contributing authors also use their unique international experiences to bring Global Mindset to life in seven intriguing case studies. The case studies transport the reader into complex, real-world scenarios that cross geographic and cultural borders, and identify ways to successfully influence diverse others while working within the complex and fast-paced world of global business. The case studies may be used for individual development through self-reflection or in teams, creating undoubtedly lively discussions.

Keep up-to-date on Global Mindset research and development tips at

More information about this book can be found at

Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders Review

Developing Your Global Mindset is a comprehensive, yet practical tool for developing your own and others' global perspective. Drs. Javidan and Walker provide many ideas and examples of how to increase capability to work globally, develop your own mindset to work with others from different cultures, and to gather the resources, networks and people needed.

I found the practical tips on how to learn from others and learn from experience particularly helpful. In addition, the case studies and case questions and analysis provide a great resource for anyone developing a leadership program on global leadership or cultural awareness. They also refer to great resources from all over the world and provide easy links to them in digital version.

This is one of those books you can read from cover to cover, or like The Successful Manager's Handbook, dip into and out of, when needed. You can use it yourself or give it to people you coach. It should be on the book shelf, on the Kindle or on the iPad for anyone who works with people from different countries and cultures.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Developing Your Global Mindset: The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders ...

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Personality Disorders in Modern Life

Personality Disorders in Modern Life

Shock Sale Personality Disorders in Modern Life very cheapYou looking to find the "Personality Disorders in Modern Life" Good news! You can purchase Personality Disorders in Modern Life with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

A revision of the leading textbook on personality disorders by renowned expert Theodore Millon

"Personalities are like impressionistic paintings. At a distance, each person is 'all of a piece'; up close, each is a bewildering complexity of moods, cognitions, and motives."
-Theodore Millon

Exploring the continuum from normal personality traits to the diagnosis and treatment of severe cases of personality disorders, Personality Disorders in Modern Life, Second Edition is unique in its coverage of both important historical figures and contemporary theorists in the field. Its content spans all the major disorders-Antisocial, Avoidant, Depressive, Compulsive, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Paranoid, Schizoid, and Borderline-as well as their many subtypes. Attention to detail and in-depth discussion of the subtleties involved in these debilitating personality disorders make this book an ideal companion to the DSM-IV(TM).

Fully updated with the latest research and theory, this important text features:

  • Discussion of the distinctive clinical features and developmental roots of personality disorders
  • Balanced coverage of the major theoretical perspectives-biological, psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive, and evolutionary
  • Individual chapters on all DSM-IV(TM) personality disorders and their several subtypes and mixtures
  • Case studies throughout the text that bring to life the many faces of these disorders

Including a new assessment section that singles out behavioral indicators considered to have positive predictive power for the disorders, this Second Edition also includes a special focus on developmental, gender, and cultural issues specific to each disorder. A comprehensive reference suitable for today's practitioners, Personality Disorders in Modern Life, Second Edition features a clear style that also makes it a valuable resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. The most thorough book of its kind, this Second Edition is a powerful, practical resource for all trainees and professionals in key mental health fields, such as psychology, social work, and nursing.

Personality Disorders in Modern Life Review

Theodore Milon's work on personality disorder's is a tour de force of the little understood world of "personality disorders in modern life."

This is an outstanding book, both as a text for the advanced master's level student, or as a stand-alone reference for the clinician looking to delve deeper into this mysterious world.

Dr. Milon cogently and meticulously dissects each disorder and provides case vignettes to aid the reader in grasping each entity for what it is, if that is possible.

Highly recommended. Encyclopedic in scope. Scholarly in its depth. 5+ stars.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series)

Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series)

Shock Sale Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series) very cheapYou looking to find the "Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series)" Good news! You can purchase Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series) On Sale

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Product Description

Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance, Second Edition is an accessible introduction to the classical side of quantitative finance specifically for university students. Adapted from the comprehensive, even epic, works Derivatives and Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance, Second Edition, it includes carefully selected chapters to give the student a thorough understanding of futures, options and numerical methods. Software is included to help visualize the most important ideas and to show how techniques are implemented in practice. There are comprehensive end-of-chapter exercises to test students on their understanding.

Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series) Review

Those that criticize this book as not "mathematical enough" are missing the point. There are plenty of mathematics books out there with loads of detailed math language and rigorous proofs. If you want that it's available. This book is about getting acquainted with difficult material in a compact and human format, and it stills deal with some pretty diffcult topics in an efficient manner. Great book. Buy it. You'll like it.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Paul Wilmott Introduces Quantitative Finance (The Wiley Finance Series) ...

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards)

Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards)

Shock Sale Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards) very cheapYou looking to find the "Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards)" Good news! You can purchase Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards) On Sale

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Product Description

The aims and scope of the second edition are unchanged from the first edition. The major market is in health informatics education. The three part format, which covers principles of health interoperability, HL7 and interchange formats, and SNOMED CT and clinical terminology, works well.

In the US, The ONC (Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology) has estimated that the HITECH stimulus will create more than 50,000 new jobs for health informatics professionals, who need to be educated.

Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards) Review

Used this for a graduate level college course. Txt was informative without being overly technical. Ideas and concepts are explained well easy to follow

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Principles of Health Interoperability HL7 and SNOMED: 0 (Health Information Technology Standards) ...

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices

Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices

Shock Sale Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices very cheapYou looking to find the "Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices" Good news! You can purchase Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices On Sale

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Product Description

Pricing has a substantial and immediate impact on profitability. Most companies, however, still use costs or competition as a main basis for setting prices. Product or business model innovation has a high priority for many companies whereas innovation in pricing has received scant attention. This book examines how innovation in pricing can drive profits.

The text examines innovation in pricing from four complementary perspectives. Innovation in Pricing Strategy illustrates how companies implement innovative pricing strategies, such as customer value-based pricing. Innovation in Pricing Tactics deals with innovative tools to measure and increase customer willingness to pay and to communicate value to B2B and B2C customers. Innovation in Organizing the Pricing Function looks at state-of-the art approaches to embed the pricing function in the organization. Psychological Aspects of Pricing illustrates how companies can influence customer perceptions of value and price in their question to implement innovation in pricing.

This edited volume brings together 26 articles from academics, business practitioners and consultants. Authors are from the world s largest companies, leading research-based universities and consulting companies specialized in pricing.

This book is the only book dedicated to innovation in pricing and an essential read for business executives and pricing managers wishing to treat innovation in pricing as seriously as they treat product or business model innovation.

Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices Review

Andreas and Stephan what an interesting and educational read. I really enjoyed how this is a collection of edited pieces from so many different experts. It gives so many real word examples of how, when done properly, pricing can be done so that customers are willing and able to pay a price premium. Companies spend so much time creating and delivering customer value, but have not implemented processes, or developed the people to articulate and capture that value. This book has given me even more ideas of how to help drive our company forward. I have ordered three copies to share with colleagues. Honestly I just couldn't put it down.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Innovation in Pricing: Contemporary Theories and Best Practices ...

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