Introduction to Strings and Branes

Product Description
Supersymmetry, strings and branes are believed to be the essential ingredients in a single unified consistent theory of physics. This book gives a detailed, step-by-step introduction to the theoretical foundations required for research in strings and branes. After a study of the different formulations of the bosonic and supersymmetric point particles, the classical and quantum bosonic and supersymmetric string theories are presented. This book includes accounts of brane dynamics and D-branes and the T, S and U duality symmetries of string theory. The historical derivation of string theory is given as well as the sum over the world-sheet approach to the interacting string. More advanced topics include string field theory and Kac-Moody symmetries. The book contains pedagogical accounts of conformal quantum field theory, supergravity theories, Clifford algebras and spinors, and Lie algebras. It is essential reading for graduate students and researchers wanting to learn strings and branes.Introduction to Strings and Branes Review
Though it's been a long time since I was a grad student, this text is still quite approachable by myself for some self-study. For an active graduate student, or researcher, the book comprises a fairly good introduction (genuinely intending the word introduction) to strings and branes. Clifford and Lie Algebras are introduced and their importance well noted. The intertwined topic of supersymmetry is well motivated as well, and supergravity and string field theory touched on as well. It was a fun digression from my usual reading and work in experimental physics. Highly recommended especially for its (relative) ease of accessibility.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Introduction to Strings and Branes" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Introduction to Strings and Branes ...

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