Sunday, May 8, 2011

Public Health Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook)

Public Health Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook)

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Public Health Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook) On Sale

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Product Description

As an academic subject, nutrition has grown enormously in recent years and with it the need for specialist textbooks on the subject. In response to this need, a decision was taken by The Nutrition Society to produce a ground-breaking series of four textbooks, of which Public Health Nutrition is the third. The books in the series:
  • Provide students with the required scientific basis in nutrition, in the context of a systems and health approach.
  • Enable teachers and students to explore the core principles of nutrition and to apply these throughout their training to foster critical thinking at all times. Each chapter identifies the key areas of knowledge that must be understood and also the key points of critical thought that must accompany the acquisition of this knowledge.
  • Are fully peer reviewed to ensure completeness and clarity of content, as well as to ensure that each book takes a global perspective and is applicable for use by nutritionists and on nutrition courses throughout the world.

Public Health Nutrition is an essential purchase for students majoring in nutrition and dietetics. Public health nutrition as a subject is growing immensely in importance, taking into account the real potential to reduce the burden of non-communicable chronic disease through diet. Professionals in nutrition, dietetics, food science, medicine, community health care and many related health care areas will all find much of great use within the book �s covers. Libraries in all universities, medical schools and establishments teaching and researching in these subject areas should have several copies on their shelves.


Introduction to Human Nutrition: ISBN 0 632 05624 X

Nutrition & Metabolism: ISBN 0 632 05625 8

Clinical Nutrition: ISBN 0 632 05626 6

Public Health Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook) Review

Excellent text book for students of Public Health and / or Nutrition related subjects, with good chapter division, clear language (although you'd want some primary knowledge in statistics and epidemiology)and covering methods of research in assessment and analysis of nutritional status, food choices,diseases linked to nutritional issues. Recommend it as a standard reference work in this field. Good addition to Design Concepts in Nutritional Epidemiology, Margetts B and Nelson M, eds 1997 Oxford University Press, New York

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