Lippincott's Primary Care Psychiatry

Product Description
This book helps family practitioners, internists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and mental health practitioners understand, diagnose, and effectively treat the most common psychiatric problems seen in the primary care office setting. The introductory chapter addresses the primary care psychiatric interview. Subsequent chapters cover specific disorders and follow a consistent format: Introductory Case; Clinical Highlights; Clinical Significance; Diagnosis; Differential Diagnosis, including "Not to Be Missed" points; Biopsychosocial Treatment, including "When to Refer"; Practice Pointers case studies; ICD-9 codes; and Practical Resources. Appendices include time-saving strategies and medication tables. An anatomical wall chart for the office is also included.A companion Website includes fully searchable text and patient handouts for various psychiatric disorders.
This is the tablet version of Lippincott's Primary Care Psychiatry which does not include access to the supplemental content mentioned in the text.
Lippincott's Primary Care Psychiatry Review
As a psychologist who has worked in a inpatient mental health facility, this book is an invaluble resource for the practioner in the Healing Arts. This book is well written, easy to read and understand with great information. It has enough medical information to assist the non-medical person in understanding how the medications work. There is also some good information for the mental health clinician to utilize on each of the disorders covered. This is a must have book for anyone's library!Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Lippincott's Primary Care Psychiatry" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Lippincott's Primary Care Psychiatry ...

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