Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Instructional Supervision: Applying Tools and Concepts

Instructional Supervision: Applying Tools and Concepts

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Instructional Supervision: Applying Tools and Concepts On Sale

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Product Description

This highly regarded book is a must-have resource for all graduate level students and prospective school leaders enrolled in courses in instructional supervision. It is also a valuable guide for anyone currently in a leadership position with responsibility for supervising student teachers. Dr. Zepeda provides both practical tools and strategies needed for classroom observations and pre- and post-observation conferences, laying a strong foundation for effective instructional supervision in preK-12 schools. The updated third edition includes �� research-supported strategies to help supervisors work successfully with teachers,authentic case studies, classroom examples, and field experiences, in-depth coverage of professional development and its link to teacher evaluation, reflection prompts, pragmatic tips, self-assessments, and suggested activities

Instructional Supervision: Applying Tools and Concepts Review

I had rented the 2nd edition and really liked the book and decided to purchase the 3rd edition. The book is very well organized giving great ideas for whole observations process.

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