Monday, July 1, 2013

Experiencing Organizations

Experiencing Organizations

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Product Description

Told through the fresh, sharp eyes of new organizational recruits, these sometimes comic, often traumatic, but always vivid and revealing accounts of organizations have much to say to learners and old hands alike. Grouped in sections on `images', `winning and losing' and `survival and injuries', the narratives encompass a wide gamut of themes and issue. These include: power and politics in organizations; organizational cultures and change; gender and discrimination; appearances and realities; leaders and followers; and emotion, motivation and stress. The authors also focus on the coldly competitive features of businesses where processes such as restructuring, rationalization and downsizing are increasingly commonplace. Throughout, commentaries by Stephen Fineman and Yiannis Gabriel highlight particular points of analysis and learning, while each chapter concludes with questions for discussion and a selected bibliography enabling further reading.

Experiencing Organizations Review

I used this book as a main Textbook for my course, Organizationl Behaviour, while studying for a BSc in Business Administration, at the University of Bath, Avon, UK.I found it a very structured, well organised book, very challenging and intellectually rewarding, both for beginners and already familiar students/colleagues in the world of Organizational Behaviour. I would suggest this book to anyone in this field, as a 'Must'. You should go on and read it!Jerry :-) Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment

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