Friday, November 30, 2012

School Bullying: Insights and Perspectives

School Bullying: Insights and Perspectives

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Product Description

Gives a succinct and authoritative account of research into the nature and extent of bullying in schools, evaluating the success of different approaches to the problem.

School Bullying: Insights and Perspectives Review

This is an excellent resource with a great deal of valuable information. I will continue to use this as a reference during my dissertation project.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012



Shock Sale SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS: RESEARCH, POLICY AND PRACTIC (Contexts of Learning) very cheapYou looking to find the "SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS: RESEARCH, POLICY AND PRACTIC (Contexts of Learning)" Good news! You can purchase SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS: RESEARCH, POLICY AND PRACTIC (Contexts of Learning) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.


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Product Description

David Reynolds is recognised internationally as one of the leaders of the school effectiveness and school improvement movement, and Failure Free Education? brings together for the first time many of his most influential and provocative pieces. Drawing on the author� �s work from over three decades, these extracts from his seminal books, chapters, papers and articles combine to give a unique overview of how the movement developed, the problems involved in the application of the knowledge and the disciplines � potentially glittering future now.

The book also covers the issues raised by, and lessons learned from, his close involvement with English government educational policymaking from the mid 1990s to date.

This book is essential reading for those who seek to understand how we can make every school a good school, and what the obstacles may be to achieving that goal.


David Reynolds is known to many of us as a leader of research-based policy that actually makes a positive impact on our schools. As a school leader I have spent thousands of hours reading and responding to governement policy and government agencies. Almost all that time has been wasted.

In contrast, a few hours spent reading this book has given me more practical ideas about how to make the school I work in better. Failure-Free Education? isn't just an overview of the last 40 years of good research into schools, it is an reminder that policy-led solutions imposed on schools aren't the answer. David Reynolds rightly points to better approaches, better methods, and - above all- better evidence.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS: RESEARCH, POLICY AND PRACTIC (Contexts of Learning)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS: RESEARCH, POLICY AND PRACTIC (Contexts of Learning) ...


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Schooling as Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies

Schooling as Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies

Shock Sale Schooling as Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies very cheapYou looking to find the "Schooling as Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies" Good news! You can purchase Schooling as Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Schooling as Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies On Sale

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Product Description

Asking fundamental and often uncomfortable questions about the nature and purposes of formal education, this book explores the three main ways of looking at the relationship between formal education, individuals and society:

* that education improves society
* that education reproduces society exactly as it is
* that education makes society worse and harms individuals.

Whilst educational policy documents and much academic writing and research stresses the first function and occasionally make reference to the second, the third is largely played down or ignored.

In this unique and thought-provoking book, Clive Harber argues that while schooling can play a positive role, violence towards children originating in the schools system itself is common, systematic and widespread internationally and that schools play a significant role in encouraging violence in wider society. Topics covered include physical punishment, learning to hate others, sexual abuse, stress and anxiety, and the militarization of school. The book both provides detailed evidence of such forms of violence and sets out an analysis of schooling that explains why they occur. In contrast, the final chapter explores existing alternative forms of education which are aimed at the development of democracy and peace.

This book should be read by anyone involved in education - from students and academics to policy-makers and practitioners around the world.


Schooling as Violence: How Schools Harm Pupils and Societies Review

One of the most direct, straightforward, research-based presentations of the shadow side of compulsory education, Harber, a professor of international education at the University of Birmingham, describes in global terms the ways in which schooling not only reproduces violence around the world, but actually naturalizes it and propels it. Because compulsory education is fundamentally authoritarian in nature, and the institution is arranged to control and survey those within it, formal education in many contexts (even dear old Britain) inculcates insensibility towards emotional and physical brutality, sexual abuse, racism and classism. Harber, a plain speaking, no nonsense academic with abundant experience in international education projects, offers a unique and compelling global perspective on the toxic effects of education on pupils. He takes on directly the ways in which almost all educational policy discourse begins with a false consensus--and perhaps a false consciousness--that universal formal education is always of positive humanist benefit in childrens' lives. Instead, after several chapters in which he traces the relationship between recent genocides in (the former) Yugoslavia or Rwanda to common school practices, or the incidence of corporal punishment in the classrooms of contemporary "developed" countries like the United States and Britian, Harber suggests pointedly, "It would be good if in the future politicians, academics and others concerned with educational policy always acknowledged in their speeches and their writing that schools do hard as well as good and that school-pupil violence exists." His book is chock ablock with evidence that this is so, as uncomfortable as this for many. In an American context, where very few academics write bluntly and unapologetically about the harmful effects of education on the human mind and spirit, Harber's work is refreshingly unadorned and unembellished.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Search Marketing Strategies (Emarketing Essentials)

Search Marketing Strategies (Emarketing Essentials)

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Search Marketing Strategies (Emarketing Essentials) On Sale

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Product Description

Search Marketing Strategies focuses on how to make the most from the search engine industry. Concentrating on the strategic element rather than the procedural approach, the author demonstrates how to adapt the tactical techniques, such as paid search, site side optimization and analytics packages, into search strategies in order to achieve marketing or corporate objectives such as branding, sales and customer acquisition.

Search Marketing Strategies (Emarketing Essentials) Review


- Covers the broad spectrum of topics related tto search marketing. Includes terms, vendors, technology, fraud issues, metrics, and glossary. Mostly focused on paid search strategy, terms and tactics.

- Brings you up to the level of strategy and down to the level of tactical implementation of pay for performance tactics.

- If I were starting a position in Search enginge marketing, this would be the book to read. It's like sitting down with an expert teaching me the job of search engine marketing. Great for newbies or executives to get a comprehensive overview.

- If you need to "speak the language" of search engine marketing and be conversant in strategies and tactics, this is the book for you.


- Would love to see more `insider' tips and case studies. For that, go to

- Could be organized better. Didn't flow for me.

- Good overview, but not a lot of information about natural search engine optimization.

- Overpriced at $37

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam

Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam

Shock Sale Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam very cheapYou looking to find the "Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam" Good news! You can purchase Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam On Sale

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Product Description

Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam helps you ace the Radiation Health and Safety Exam, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam includes: The 5 Secret Keys to DANB Exam Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive General Strategy review including: Make Predictions, Answer the Question, Benchmark, Valid Information, Avoid Fact Traps, Milk the Question, The Trap of Familiarity, Eliminate Answers, Tough Questions, Brainstorm, Read Carefully, Face Value, Prefixes, Hedge Phrases, Switchback Words, New Information, Time Management, Contextual Clues, Don't Panic, Pace Yourself, Answer Selection, Check Your Work, Beware of Directly Quoted Answers, Slang, Extreme Statements, Answer Choice Families; A comprehensive Radiation Health and Safety review including: Radiographic Findings, Bitewing Radiographs, Periapical Radiographs, Panoramic Radiographs, Bisect-the-Angle Technique, Sizes of Film, Anatomical Landmarks, Radiolucent, Intensifying Screens, Lateral Skull Projection, X-ray Measurement, Personnel Monitoring, Shadow Casting, Automatic Processing, Inverse Square Law, Roentgen, Tissue Sensitivity, ALARA, Dosimeter, Composition of Film, Fixing, Emulsion Defects, Mounting Radiographs, and much more...

Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Review

When I'm dealing with someone's health, I need to move forward with care. I need to eliminate certain aspects in order to find the real issue. The same can be said about taking a test. I can eliminate certain answers until I get to the right one. Not everyone is good at taking standardized tests and I have never been the best at it myself. But when I got this study guide to help me through the process, I realized I had a whole heap of information that became very helpful in my lap. This guide not only goes through the material I need and helps me practice with pretend tests, but it also gives me skills to use on this test and any other test I have to take in the future. I have figured out that knowing how to take a test is half the battle. I'm proud to say it's a battle I have now won and I give credit to this study guide for teaching me how. Though I won't have to take this particular test again, there will likely be other tests in my future and when they come about, I'll use these skills again. And if there's another study guide with material for my future tests, I'll certainly get it as well.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Secrets of the Radiation Health and Safety Exam Study Guide: DANB Test Review for the Radiation Health and Safety Exam ...

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Securing IM and P2P Applications for the Enterprise

Securing IM and P2P Applications for the Enterprise

Shock Sale Securing IM and P2P Applications for the Enterprise very cheapYou looking to find the "Securing IM and P2P Applications for the Enterprise" Good news! You can purchase Securing IM and P2P Applications for the Enterprise with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

This book is for system administrators and security professionals who need to bring now ubiquitous IM and P2P applications under their control. Many businesses are now taking advantage of the speed and efficiency offered by both IM and P2P applications, yet are completely ill-equipped to deal with the management and security ramifications.

These companies are now finding out the hard way that these applications which have infiltrated their networks are now the prime targets for malicious network traffic. This book will provide specific information for IT professionals to protect themselves from these vulnerabilities at both the network and application layers by identifying and blocking this malicious traffic.

* A recent study by the Yankee group ranked "managing and securing IM and P2P applications" as the #3 priority for IT managers in 2004

* The recently updated SANS/FBI top 10 list of vulnerabilities for computers running Microsoft Windows contained both P2P and IM applications for the first time

* The recently released Symantec Threat Assessment report for the first half of 2004 showed that 19 of the top 50 virus threats targeted IM or P2P applications. Despite the prevalence of IM and P2P applications on corporate networks and the risks they pose, there are no other books covering these topics

Securing IM and P2P Applications for the Enterprise Review

There are two schools of thought on allowing the use of public instant messaging (IM) and peer-to-peer (P2P) applications in the business enterprise. One, that I subscribe to, is that you just do not do it. There are too many risks that make it problematic, even if you feel they can be managed. Another school of thought says "sure, we can manage the risks associated with that". So enter into the discussion Paul Piccard's "Securing IM and P2P Applications for the Enterprise" (Syngress Press, 2005, 454 pages, ISBN 1597490172). While not being as complete as I would like it to be, it provides enough foundation information to suit the needs of either point of view.

The book is broken down into 16 chapters, with each chapter focusing on a specific piece of software or technology. Part I focuses in instant messaging. The first chapter gives an overview of the instant messaging "market", the players, and the risks of instant messaging. There is nothing ground breaking here that is not covered in more depth and detail elsewhere, but it fives an effective overview. The remaining 6 chapters focus on the different instant messaging services/clients. An overview is provided on the architecture and protocols associated with the client. Also addressed is features, client information, security information and malicious code threats. Unfortunately, no where in the text does the author address user awareness and education, which are critical.

Part II of the book covers P2P Networks. These 5 chapters cover the major P2P clients, their history, how they work, and the threats to the enterprise. They do a much better job than they did in Part I, but again do not address user awareness and education. Part III covers Internet-Relay Chat (IRC), its history, how it works and security issues. In a way, I wish the author had just said up front to never allow IRC to be used in the enterprise. There are just too many risks beyond security associated with IRC.

Who Should Read This Book

This book should be read by anybody who wants to get a deeper technical understanding of IM and P2P applications. Because the author may have focused too much on technology, with not enough focus on policy development, user education, and awareness. It is for this reason that anybody who purchases this book should also buy Nancy Flynn's "Instant Messaging Rules" as a companion read.

The Scorecard

Par on an average Par 4.

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