Fan Handbook: Selection, Application, and Design

Product Description
Here is the first comprehensive guide to all aspects of modern fan technology. The book takes you through the design, selection, maintenance, and repair of fans used in a wide range of applications and industries, including airfoils...centrifugal fans...mixed-flow fans...roof ventilators...cross-flow blowers...regenerative blowers... and more. You'll find information on fan codes, standards, and specifications� plus complete details on fan testing, physical laws affecting fan performance, ventilation requirements, and symbols and conversion factors.Fan Handbook: Selection, Application, and Design Review
The "Fan Handbook" is the finest book yet written on fan design, implementation, use, and trouble shooting. The book a delight to read and use. Mr. Bleier, unlike many techno-types, is fine writer (and I suspect re-writer) and a careful idea organizer. The work has many, many professionally shot photographs and is fully illustrated. There are no crude computer generated drawings anywhere! It's well indexed and heavily cross-referenced.The book's slant is to the practical and explicitly avoids calculus, but it is by no means elementary. Any person with high school algebra and trig can understand the well-presented equations and solve all the case study problems with a little effort. Math phobes needn't be put off; the book is not "too" mathematical.The only thing that prevented me from awarding five stars to this terrific book was an important omission. No mention is made of specialized fans for cooling towers. I had especially hoped to learn mo! re about design requirements for static presure regain/velocity recovery fan stacks for very large fans. But this shortcoming should not disuade any cooling tower engineers from purchasing this book, since all of the principles discussed do fully apply to cooling towers. END Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment CommentMost of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Fan Handbook: Selection, Application, and Design" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Fan Handbook: Selection, Application, and Design ...

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