Corporate-Level Strategy: Creating Value in the Multibusiness Company

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Advance praise for Corporate-Level Strategy. "At last a book that cuts through all the corporate jargon and academic generalizations to answer the question 'Does the corporate parent create or destroy value for the organization?' The authors suggest a simple yet compelling framework for making this determination. Must reading for students and practitioners alike." -Robert Cizik Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Cooper Industries "In an era when the role of corporate-level management is quite justifiably being questioned and challenged, it is refreshing to find a book that clearly shows how parent companies can add rather than destroy value in their businesses. As we would expect of these world class authorities, Goold, Campbell, and Alexander have leveraged their fascinating research findings into an eminently readable and highly practical book." -Chris Bartlett Professor Harvard Business School "A vital and deeply researched contribution to thinking about corporate strategy." -Gary Hamel London Business School "I am very impressed by the extensive work on which this book is based, and by the concept of parenting advantage that it puts forward." -Yasutaka Obayashi Senior General Manager, Corporate Strategy Canon "Great companies grow, they don't just cut. With breakups and restructuring done, corporate parenting is coming back. Goold, Campbell, and Alexander have produced a comprehensive and intelligent book which should become a standard guide on the subject." -Tom Hout Vice President The Boston Consulting Group "A perceptive and valuable insight into an often underestimated area of strategy. This book clearly demonstrates the importance of parenting to the longer term development and prosperity of multibusiness companies." -Alan R. Jackson Chief Executive, BTR "I am glad someone has so well and so fully shed light on this important body of thinking." -Sigurd Reinton Director, McKinsey & Company, 1981-1988Corporate-Level Strategy: Creating Value in the Multibusiness Company Review
I have used this book many times in designing the corporate headquarters compnent of organizations. It is one of a very few references available on this particular issue to consultants in organization design. As a Value Based Design consultant, analyst, researcher and advisor on value creating systems I must take issue with the previous reviewer and strongly recommend this book to actual practitioners.Goold happily steers us away from mathematical reductionism and provides some great examples of how economic value can be leveraged as diverse means of generating it are discovered in the corporate portfolio. Like Jaques caution not to throw the hierachical baby out with the bathwater,Goold provides an antidote to the view that corporate centres add no value. As companies become more process based and self organizing, insights such as those provided by the author into managing such complexity will be invaluable.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Corporate-Level Strategy: Creating Value in the Multibusiness Company" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Corporate-Level Strategy: Creating Value in the Multibusiness Company ...

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