Thursday, March 31, 2011

Clinical Cases in Orthodontics

Clinical Cases in Orthodontics

Shock Sale Clinical Cases in Orthodontics very cheapYou looking to find the "Clinical Cases in Orthodontics" Good news! You can purchase Clinical Cases in Orthodontics with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

Wiley-Blackwell's Clinical Cases series is designed to recognize the centrality of clinical cases to the profession by providing actual cases with an academic backbone. Clinical Cases in Orthodontics applies both theory and practice to real-life orthodontic cases in a clinically relevant format. This unique approach supports the new trend in case-based and problem-based learning, thoroughly covering topics ranging from Class I malocclusions to orthognathic surgery. Highly illustrated in full color, Clinical Cases in Orthodontics' format fosters independent learning and prepares the reader for case-based examinations.

Clinical Cases in Orthodontics Review

I would like to recommend for people who love to understand the complexity of different orthodontic case,very easy to grasp .I understood the book because i am a fellow of international association of orthodontists USA and i prepared for the exam ,although i am not an orthodontist.But this book is for orthodontists or like minded clinicians who love orthodontics and do variety of cases.BUT IT IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason

Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason

Shock Sale Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason very cheapYou looking to find the "Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason" Good news! You can purchase Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason On Sale

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Product Description

In Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason, Peg Tittle empowers students with a solid grounding in the lifelong skills of considered analysis and argumentation that should underpin every student� s education. Starting with the building blocks of a good argument, this comprehensive new textbook offers a full course in critical thinking. It includes chapters on the nature and structure of argument, the role of relevance, truth and generalizations, and the subtleties of verbal and visual language.

Special features include:

� � an emphasis on the constructive aspect of critical thinking� �strengthening the arguments of others and constructing sound arguments of your own ��rather than an exclusive focus on spotting faulty arguments
• actual questions from standardized reasoning tests like the LSAT, GMAT, MCAT, and GRE
graduated end-of-chapter exercises, asking students to think critically about what they see, hear, read, write, and discuss
�� numerous sample arguments from books, magazines, television, and the Internet for students to analyze
� many images for critical analysis
� analyzed arguments that help students to read critically and actively
� � an extensive companion website for instructors and students

A companion website features:

� for instructors: an extensive instructor ��s manual; a test bank; and PowerPoint slides
� � for students: extended answers, explanations, and analyses for the exercises and arguments in the book; supplementary chapters on logic and ethics; downloadable MP3 study guides; interactive flash cards; and thinking critically audio exercises.


Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason Review

I started the book by reading samples.
Then, I realized that the book is awesome and I decided to purchase one.

Highly recommend. If you are skeptical about this book, don't be afraid to read it for educational purposes.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Critical Thinking: An Appeal to Reason ...

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology)

Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology)

Shock Sale Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology) very cheapYou looking to find the "Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology)" Good news! You can purchase Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology) On Sale

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Product Description

Nephrology Board and Certification Review, 2000 multiple choice quesitons.

Provides key information you need to know to pass the board and certification exam.

All questions have explanations with keywords linked to additional online references.

Correct answer is on the next page after the question with explanations and links to further research the key point(s) covered in each question.

Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology) Review

This has several questions which have nothing to do with nephrology. There are also a few incorrect answers. There are probably several better sources of questions.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Nephrology Board Review (Board Certification in Nephrology) ...

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System

Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System

Shock Sale Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System very cheapYou looking to find the "Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System" Good news! You can purchase Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System On Sale

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Product Description

The power of top management is pervasive and profound. It affects the quality of economic life, but also our personal and social lives. Equally strong is its impact on the sustainability of a free enterprise system. Psychoanalyst, teacher, and management consultant, Elliott Jaques argues that great as this power is, it is being squandered, not because of what managers do but because of what they don't know. Serious misconceptions about managerial leadership �and equally serious misunderstandings of people� abound. Jaques argues that the problems inherent in the way management is practiced are attributable to gravely dysfunctional systems of managerial leadership, systems that have evolved over the years and are now, despite their ineffectualities, taken for granted. He shows how the CEO class will determine the future of free enterprise democracy, but how massive misconceptions about human behavior have undermined its capability for leadership. It's the managerial leadership systems that need changing, he maintains, not the people who implement them. The result of more than a half century of thought, observation, analysis and experimentation, Jaques' book offers a totally new and creative system of managerial leadership and a unique system of managerial organization. In doing so, it becomes essential reading for academics, students, consultants, top management, and executives on the way up throughout the public and private sectors.

Jaques argues that the problem of achieving effective and sustainable managerial organizations does not lie in poor decision making, interpersonal stress, lack of innovation, greedy self-interest, and other ills and defects, although they certainly play a part. The art of management, somewhat like alchemy, is not securely grounded in science. This is its most severe weakness, and the reason why organizations have always been badly managed. He cites examples to show that management tends to blame its shortcomings and inefficiencies on other people, yet there is no research to prove that the source of managerial failure is really to be found there. People strive to do their best, he has found, but they are stymied by poor organization and systems that pitch people into conflict with each other. Jaques looks at these systems closely, particularly our current systems of compensation, and itemizes his findings, showing how the the same problems are to be found throughout industry, public service, health and services organizations, and less surprisingly perhaps, the military. He then lays out the ways in which a new system of managing operations and organizations could work, shows that it is already working in certain selected places, and provides convincing evidence that his assertions and recommendations have much to offer, as we continue to search for better, more efficient, and more productive, profitable organizations.

Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System Review

I sometimes ask my oldest son just what did he learn at Wharton School studying for his MBA? Not much as far as he can tell me.

This book should be required reading for anyone who aspires or already is a CEO. Jaques wisdom in this book is worth two years of graduate business study. It should also inspire the reader to read his other works.

Perhaps you have wondered where GE found its storied organization and leadership development system. Well, wonder no more. It is all based on Jaques work over the past 60 years.

So, why is Jaques such a secret? Because companies using his theories in practice consider it a competitive advantage.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System ...

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics)

Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics)

Shock Sale Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics) very cheapYou looking to find the "Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics)" Good news! You can purchase Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics) On Sale

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Product Description

This book provides an extensive review of what innovation means in healthcare, with real-life examples and guidance on how to successfully innovate with IT in healthcare.


Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics) Review

Innovation in every industry is currently being driven by software and information technology. Healthcare is one of the last industries to awaken to this trend. I've been in IT for 30 years, 15 years in the defense, national intelligence, and manufacturing sectors; and 15 years in healthcare, frustrated by healthcare's stodgy culture. This book is the best I've ever read for describing the successes of the pioneers in this awakening... and I'm the most cynical critic of IT innovation that you will find in industry. The readership should not be restricted to the informatics and IT crowd in healthcare. CEOs and CFOs and the rest of the C-levels in healthcare need to read this book and start borrowing the ideas that it summarizes. And, it's worth noting, you don't have to be an Intermountain Healthcare or UPMC or Northwestern to implement the ideas and examples in Lyle's book. The case studies and ideas for innovation in this book are achievable by every hospital and clinic in the US.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare (Health Informatics) ...

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Handbook of Research on Student Engagement

Handbook of Research on Student Engagement

Shock Sale Handbook of Research on Student Engagement very cheapYou looking to find the "Handbook of Research on Student Engagement" Good news! You can purchase Handbook of Research on Student Engagement with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

For more than two decades, the concept of student engagement has grown from simple attention in class to a construct comprised of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components that embody and further develop motivation for learning. Similarly, the goals of student engagement have evolved from dropout prevention to improved outcomes for lifelong learning. This robust expansion has led to numerous lines of research across disciplines and are brought together clearly and comprehensively in the Handbook of Research on Student Engagement.

The Handbook guides readers through the field’s rich history, sorts out its component constructs, and identifies knowledge gaps to be filled by future research. Grounding data in real-world learning situations, contributors analyze indicators and facilitators of student engagement, link engagement to motivation, and gauge the impact of family, peers, and teachers on engagement in elementary and secondary grades. Findings on the effectiveness of classroom interventions are discussed in detail. And because assessing engagement is still a relatively new endeavor, chapters on measurement methods and issues round out this important resource.

Topical areas addressed in the Handbook include:

  • Engagement across developmental stages.
  • Self-efficacy in the engaged learner.
  • Parental and social influences on engagement and achievement motivation.
  • The engaging nature of teaching for competency development.
  • The relationship between engagement and high-risk behavior in adolescents.
  • Comparing methods for measuring student engagement.

An essential guide to the� expanding knowledge base, the Handbook of Research on Student Engagement serves as a valuable resource for researchers, scientist-practitioners, and graduate students in such varied fields as clinical child and school psychology, educational psychology, public health, teaching and teacher education, social work, and educational policy.


Handbook of Research on Student Engagement Review

I've been working my way through this book in relation to my research on engagement. It's a treasure. I appreciate the clarity it brings to understanding student engagement. It reads beautifully and gets at some very thorny issues about the definitions of engagement.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Handbook of Research on Student Engagement" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Handbook of Research on Student Engagement ...

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