Friday, July 15, 2011

Breast Imaging: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology)

Breast Imaging: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology)

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Breast Imaging: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) On Sale

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Product Description

Breast Imaging: The Requisites, 2nd Edition, by Debra Ikeda, MD, presents all of today’s core knowledge about diagnostic imaging of the breast. Clinically oriented and easy to use, it shows you how to interpret the full range of imaging studies for the most accurate diagnoses. Updates include all-new digital mammography images throughout ��new, full-color chapters on PET-CT imaging for high-risk patients and patients with breast disease� �new images and data on MR imaging and new ultrasound images, with an emphasis on ultrasound of normal structures. Compact yet authoritative, this work is an ideal reference for both board preparation and clinical practice.

  • Focus on the essentials needed to pass the boards and ensure accurate diagnoses in clinical practice.
  • Interpret the findings generated from each high-tech imaging modality used to image the breast, including digital mammography, MRI and MRI-guided procedures, ultrasound, and PET-CT imaging.
  • Get outstanding visual guidance with more than 700 superb illustrations that demonstrate a full range of mammography approaches and findings.
  • Grasp key information quickly with numerous outlines, tables, ''pearls,'' and boxed material for easy reference.
  • Benefit from expert coverage of risk factors, image interpretation and workup, breast masses and calcifications, cancer and its treatment, silicone breast implants, the postoperative breast, clinical problems, invasive procedures, and much more.
  • Stay up to date with all-new digital mammography images throughout…new, full-color chapters on PET-CT imaging for high-risk patients and patients with breast disease…new images and data on MR imaging� �and new ultrasound images, with an emphasis on ultrasound of normal structures.

Gain new insight into today ��s hottest topics, including breast MR imaging for high-risk patients, staging, and treatment planning, and PET-CT imaging for diagnosis, staging, and treatment planning.


Breast Imaging: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) Review

I still am a fan of the requisites series. Read the Neuroradiology and the Musculosceletal volume and both focus on the important facts in a really didactic manner. After reaching page 100, the Breast volume still disappoints me. The author tends to ramble, repeats the same sentences with different word order, confuses concave with convex, and so on. The images may be good, but for someone inexperienced with breast imaging (the recommended audience I supposed) the annotations are totally inadequate. The findings are not marked in the images (I repeatedly did not find them), nothing but the findings are described (leaving me to wonder: "and what about this round structure", "why is this density not a mass or asymmetry",.... Further she doesn't seem to try to apply the BiRADS-terms stringently, for my understanding, a mass seen only in one view is an asymmetry, why does she not call it that?
I guess the key facts can be found in this book, but with a clear concise structured language it could easily be shorter. And a radiology teaching book has to have adequate descriptions of the image material!
My first book on breast imaging, so I cannot recommend anything better but I sure hope there is something better on the market.

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