Monday, November 4, 2013

Animal Rights: A Subject Guide, Bibliography, and Internet Companion

Animal Rights: A Subject Guide, Bibliography, and Internet Companion

Shock Sale Animal Rights: A Subject Guide, Bibliography, and Internet Companion very cheapYou looking to find the "Animal Rights: A Subject Guide, Bibliography, and Internet Companion" Good news! You can purchase Animal Rights: A Subject Guide, Bibliography, and Internet Companion with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

Introductions to each chapter explain the issues, as well as the arguments that surround them, and a general introduction to the volume thoroughly explains how to use the book. Each entry contains the following information: author, title, edition, series title, location of publisher, name of publisher, number of pages, year of publication, and International Standard Book Number. Annotations include the most important information available to help the researcher, including web sites that contain not only the full text of the book when available, but also excerpts and articles or interviews by the author; short quotations from the books; and short descriptions and summaries of the books. All the information provided allows students to locate exactly what they need, while encouraging them to explore other issues and differing viewpoints.


Animal Rights: A Subject Guide, Bibliography, and Internet Companion Review

The volume of information contained in this book is impressive. As a newcomer to the area of animal rights, I cannot think of a better place to start. This book provides both a comprehensive research tool, and an excellent overview of the many aspects of animal rights.
The ability to compare the general content and tone of several books on a particular topic is very useful. Scanning through the entries is informative and thought provoking, in large part due to the author's comments and questions. Without claiming one side or the other, he challenges many traditional ways of thinking about the issues involved, and introduces alternative views. I found myself prompted to look at other aspects of animal rights that I had not considered before. An outstanding resource for anyone interested in any aspect of animal rights.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics

Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics

Shock Sale Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics very cheapYou looking to find the "Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics" Good news! You can purchase Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

In this first critical study of Anna Letitia Barbauld� �s major work, Daniel P. Watkins reveals the singular purpose of Barbauld s visionary poems: to recreate the world based on the values of liberty and justice.

Watkins examines in close detail both the form and content of Barbauld’s Poems, originally published in 1773 and revised and reissued in 1792. Along with careful readings of the poems that situate the works in their broader political, historical, and philosophical contexts, Watkins explores the relevance of the introductory epigraphs and the importance of the poems placement throughout the volume.

Centering his study on Barbauld� �s effort to develop a visionary poetic stance, Watkins argues that the deliberate arrangement of the poems creates a coherent portrayal of Barbauld� �s poetic, political, and social vision, a far-sighted sagacity born of her deep belief that the principles of love, sympathy, liberty, and pacifism are necessary for a secure and meaningful human reality. In tracing the contours of this effort, Watkins examines, in particular, the tension in Barbauld � s poetry between her desire to engage directly with the political realities of the world and her equally strong longing for a pastoral world of peace and prosperity.

Scholars of British literature and women writers will welcome this important study of one of the eighteenth century� s foremost writers.

Anna Letitia Barbauld and Eighteenth-Century Visionary Poetics Review

A very interesting contribution to literature by this writer! He is definitely someone to read! He has done his research!

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Antifeminism in America: A Historical Reader

Antifeminism in America: A Historical Reader

Shock Sale Antifeminism in America: A Historical Reader very cheapYou looking to find the "Antifeminism in America: A Historical Reader" Good news! You can purchase Antifeminism in America: A Historical Reader with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Antifeminism in America: A Historical Reader On Sale

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Product Description

The documents in this paperback inform the reader's understanding and appreciation of the social and political context of opposition in which the advocates of women's rights labored from 1848 to 1996. Arranged in six parts by historical periods, these original articles from mainstream magazines, specialized and academic journals, and books display the tone and substance of opposition to women's rights as it appeared in popular literature. The selections reflect the public campaign, fought in the popular press, of opponents to the fundamental goal of all aspects of movement for women's rights, to challenge the gender system by advocating equality for women.

Antifeminism in America: A Historical Reader Review

As the title suggests, this is a good but not great collection of anti-feminist writings from the mid-19th century to the late 20th century. The work includes some stand out pieces from the early 20th century, including an article from Charlotte Perkin Gillman's physician S. Weir Mitchell "When the College is Hurtful to a Girl." Yet the book is uneven. It needed to offer a broader range of voices including those of African American women involved with the black power movement of the 1960s. Many of those women contested white feminist claims of solidarity and male oppression. African American women involved with Marcus Garvey's UNIA in the early 20th century promoted race pride through a manipulation of patriarchal language that sounded antifeminist. Selections from this movement would have nuanced the collection. [On this subject, ULa Taylor's work on Amy Jacques-Garvey would be excellent reading for undergrads or grad students. She offers a nuanced interpretation of Jacques-Garvey's "community feminism."}

Content gaps aside, the real drawback is that the collection doesn't offer any sort of intellectual guide for the reader. It would be difficult to assign the book as a reader for a class without simultaneously offering careful assessments of time, place, and author of each piece. This might be handled in part, with a very comprehensive textbook. I chose to select a few pieces to assign in conjunction with other materials. Had the collection contained basic introductions or even better article/chapter excerpts from substantial academics to help explain the shifting currents of anti-feminism in the US, I would have gladly assigned the it.

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Apocalypse Is Everywhere: A Popular History of America's Favorite Nightmare

The Apocalypse Is Everywhere: A Popular History of America's Favorite Nightmare

Shock Sale The Apocalypse Is Everywhere: A Popular History of America's Favorite Nightmare very cheapYou looking to find the "The Apocalypse Is Everywhere: A Popular History of America's Favorite Nightmare" Good news! You can purchase The Apocalypse Is Everywhere: A Popular History of America's Favorite Nightmare with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

The Apocalypse Is Everywhere: A Popular History of America's Favorite Nightmare explores why apocalyptic thinking exists, how it has been manifested in Western culture through the ages, and how it has woven itself so thoroughly into our popular culture today.

Beginning with contemporary apocalyptic expressions, the book demonstrates how surprisingly widespread they are. It then discusses how we inherited them and where they arose. Author Annie Rehill surveys the ancient belief systems from which Christianity evolved, including ancient Judaism and other faiths. She explores the vision outlined in the Book of Revelation and traces the apocalyptic thread through the Middle Ages, across the Reformation and Enlightenment, and to the Americas. Finally, to prove that the Apocalypse is indeed everywhere, Rehill returns to the present to consider the idea of apocalypse as it occurs in movies, books, comics and graphic novels, games, music, and art, as well asin televangelism and even presidential speeches. Her fascinating scholarship will surely have readers looking about them with new eyes.


The Apocalypse Is Everywhere: A Popular History of America's Favorite Nightmare Review

As a regaler of apocalypse theories and folklore, Annie Rehill's "The Apocalypse is Everywhere" is a delightful journey of guilty pleasure into end-of-the-world stories from the biblical to the historical to the contemporary, through examples ranging from episodes of "The Simpsons" to Cormac McCarthy's desolate post-disaster novel "The Road."

From the political perspective, Rehill's examination of the Bush Jr. Administration's rhetoric, employed to influence the nation into believing there were weapons of mass destruction, is indicative of the administration's manipulation of patriotism through scare-didactics.

Compelling also about Rehill's encyclopedic research and array of apocalyptic examples is the divergent ways these examples, whether humorous, folkloric, or scientific, shape and influence our understanding of apocalypse theories.

For collectors of water bottles, batteries, canned goods, and freeze-dried food, this book is a must; as well as for those who enjoy referencing particular histories of peculiar subjects.

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Apocalypse Management: Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity (Stanford Nuclear Age Series)

Apocalypse Management: Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity (Stanford Nuclear Age Series)

Shock Sale Apocalypse Management: Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity (Stanford Nuclear Age Series) very cheapYou looking to find the "Apocalypse Management: Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity (Stanford Nuclear Age Series)" Good news! You can purchase Apocalypse Management: Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity (Stanford Nuclear Age Series) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Apocalypse Management: Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity (Stanford Nuclear Age Series) On Sale

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Product Description

For eight years President Dwight Eisenhower claimed to pursue peace and national security. Yet his policies entrenched the United States in a seemingly permanent cold war, a spiraling nuclear arms race, and a deepening state of national insecurity. Ira Chernus uncovers the key to this paradox in Eisenhower's unwavering commitment to a consistent way of talking, in private as well as in public, about the cold war rivalry. Contrary to what most historians have concluded, Eisenhower never aimed at any genuine rapprochement with the Soviet Union. He discourse always assumed that the United States would forever face an enemy bent on destroying it, making national insecurity a permanent way of life. The "peace" he sought was only an endless process of managing apocalyptic threats, a permanent state of "apocalypse management," intended to give the United States unchallenged advantage in every arena of the cold war. The goal and the discourse that supported it were inherently self-defeating. Yet the discourse is Eisenhower's most enduring legacy, for it has shaped U.S. foreign policy ever since, leaving us still a national insecurity state.

Apocalypse Management: Eisenhower and the Discourse of National Insecurity (Stanford Nuclear Age Series) Review

This work by noted religious scholar Ira Chernus is an outstanding analysis of Dwight Eisenhower's way of talking about the Soviet threat at a time when most Americans fully expected (or at least could easily imagine) to see a full blown nuclear war in their lifetime. Eisenhower, Chernus argues, tried to braze Americans for a long conflict that was on the one hand a life-and-death struggle against evil, on the other hand an opportunity for Americans to prove their exceptional democratic values. Put differently, while the secret Doolittle Report on CIA covert operations demanded that America adapt every dirty trick in the communist book, Eisenhower publicly talked about Open Skies and the opportunity for world peace. The pieces never quite fit together.

Together with Kenneth Osgood's Total Cold War, this book represents the cutting edge scholarship (post-Eisenhower revisionism, if you will) on America's Cold War, which started in the 1950s and never ended. I assume that Stanford University Press's prohibitively expensive cover price will keep interested readers from purchasing the book. That is too bad, because the book deserves a wider readership. Get it from your library if necessary!

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World)

Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World)

Shock Sale Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World) very cheapYou looking to find the "Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World)" Good news! You can purchase Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World) On Sale

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Product Description

While few intellectuals today accept the notion that the world is literally about to end through a prophesied supernatural act, between 1500 and 1800 many of Europe's and America's most creative minds did believe it. Perhaps most surprisingly, apocalyptic expectations played a central role during this period in creating secular culture �arguably the signal achievement of the post-medieval West. The topic is much with us still, as many on the religious right look to the end of days, a goal that seems closer than ever.

Apocalyptic ideas and expectations shaped the world in profound and enduring ways. In the Early Modern era, a deeply religious set of ideas proved instrumental in enabling people to see their world through prisms other than that of religion. The apocalypse underwrote the Reformation in the 16th century, the English Revolution in the 17th century, and the American Revolution in the 18th century. This book explores such themes through an examination of a range of major figures and events from the period. Why was the apocalypse � so alien to us today �so pivotal to the creation of our culture and to what we are? Only by seeing its central and often creative role historically within western civilizations can we meaningfully assess its significance to the current world. Only by grasping apocalypse then, can we truly understand apocalypse now.


Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World) Review

Most academic books today promise little, and deliver less. If you
read Amazon's "product description", taken almost verbatim from the
first page of Prof. Williamson's latest book, you will see that,
whether you end up agreeing with him or not, he at least promises a
great deal; he provides us with nothing less than a new and original
explanation of how and why the modern world in which we still live
arose precisely when and where it did.

Williamson, one of the world's leading authorities upon apocalyptic and
millennialist thought, addresses a question which has vexed even the
greatest historians, Marx, Weber, Polanyi, Tawney, Giddens, Toulmin,
and Berman spring to mind. Building on the insights of these and many
other historians, Williamson goes beyond all of them to claim that the
widespread dissemination of apocalyptic and millennialist expectations
that accompanied the seismic events of the Reformation was central to
the rise of all modern forms of consciousness and social life.

The book thus promises great things. Does it also deliver? Obviously a
complete assessment of the work is impossible here -- even were I
qualified to write one, which I manifestly am not. In my opinion,
however, the work delivers admirably. Williamson shows how our
distinctively post-medieval conceptions of secular, social and material
history, our radically egalitarian politics, -- which precipitated the
British, American and French Revolutions, -- the invention of the
extra-metropolitan republic, the rise of rationalism and empiricism, --
and therewith the scientific and industrial revolutions, -- and many
related phenomena all stem from apocalyptic and millennialist thought.
The crucial argument that the widespread dissemination of apocalyptic
expectations spawned by the Reformation led inevitably to a new
emphasis upon time [and hence in turn to modern modes of history] is
established early on and strengthened throughout the work. The related
claims that those who saw themselves as preparing to do imminent battle
with Christ against Antichrist, who thus understood themselves as
elected "saints," all "equal in the eyes of God," would naturally
develop egalitarian forms of revolutionary politics, and work to create
the world's first extra-metropolitan republic, -- eventually Great
Britain -- to challenge the rigid and oppressive hierarchies of the
Catholic empires of the Antichrist, these claims are also explicated
well at the outset and hammered home with examples culled from five
centuries. More difficult to assess, especially in a book review, is
Williamson's explanation of how the meticulous attention to Biblical
prophecy necessitated by apocalyptic expectations led to the rise of a
new examination of the previously scorned, "workings of nature," and
thus, ultimately, to modern science. Suffice it to say that the work
clearly establishes that mass apocalypticism leads inherently to a
strong emphasis upon THIS world, the "city of man," in Augustine's
terms, where all of the decisive cosmic events foretold in Revelations
are soon to unfold, and that all saints thus needs to understand the
natural and social terrain if they are to play their cosmic parts
successfully. Williamson establishes not only these central theses,
but develops as well many subsidiary arguments and observations, some
of which are as intricate as they are ingenious.

I hope I have adumbrated my case that this book delivers cogent
arguments, supported by copious evidence, in support of its primary
claims. As the work is organized chronologically, the linkages
between an ever-changing apocalypticism and the various other
conceptualizations of the last three centuries become more complexly
mediated and can hardly be assessed here.

All in all, this is a truly seminal work, one of the most significant
studies of integrated social and intellectual history to appear in our
time. Presented in an engaged, at times even polemical style, the work
is bound to stir up controversy. But however one may ultimately judge
the merits of its arguments, the work is clearly far too important to
be ignored, at least by anyone seriously interested in the origins of
the modern world.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Apocalypse Then: Prophecy and the Making of the Modern World (Praeger Series on the Early Modern World) ...

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