Friday, August 31, 2012

College For Sale: A Critique of the Commodification of Higher Education (Knowledge, Identity, and School Life Series)

College For Sale: A Critique of the Commodification of Higher Education (Knowledge, Identity, and School Life Series)

Shock Sale College For Sale: A Critique of the Commodification of Higher Education (Knowledge, Identity, and School Life Series) very cheapYou looking to find the "College For Sale: A Critique of the Commodification of Higher Education (Knowledge, Identity, and School Life Series)" Good news! You can purchase College For Sale: A Critique of the Commodification of Higher Education (Knowledge, Identity, and School Life Series) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

College For Sale: A Critique of the Commodification of Higher Education (Knowledge, Identity, and School Life Series) On Sale

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Product Description

This text provides a framework for understanding higher education in the US and other western countries since the 1970s whereby the logic of the market place has increasingly come to dominate all arenas and, in context, the education system. The author calls this process "commodification" and he describes the transformation of universities in the US and elsewhere as they attempt to accomodate the enforced changes on their academic lives and those of their students.; The book chronicles changes with the increasing focus on career and the movement towards the instrumental functions of education; the financial crisis and the development of a more corporate approach to education; of consumption that produce universities heavy with expensive, well-equipped and powerful administrations and decreasing numbers of ever more disenfranchised faculty.

College For Sale: A Critique of the Commodification of Higher Education (Knowledge, Identity, and School Life Series) Review

This book helped to clarify what has been called the "corporatization of education" that is taking place not only in higher education but in education in general. With corporations looking to education as a potential profit mine, the mission of education as a tool for a democratic society is being eroded. Shumar takes the concept of commodification and analyzes this trend throughout U.S. history with great detail. Although this book is pretty academic, and the postmodern terminology can turn some people off, this is a valuable resource for everyone looking to combat the corporate takeover of education and work to make it for what it should be intended for, a key tool for democracy.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

Shock Sale Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) very cheapYou looking to find the "Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)" Good news! You can purchase Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) On Sale

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Product Description

These short notes, already well-known in their original French edition, present the basic theory of semisimple Lie algebras over the complex numbers. The author begins with a summary of the general properties of nilpotent, solvable, and semisimple Lie algebras. Subsequent chapters introduce Cartan subalgebras, root systems, and linear representations. The last chapter discusses the connection between Lie algebras, complex groups and compact groups. The book is intended to guide the reader towards further study.

Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) Review

This book is intended as a short concise overview of the theory of complex semisimple Lie algebras. Inspite of its small volume, this text is far from being of easy lecture, since it assumes the knowledge of some basic facts concerning Lie algebras, as well as associative algebras. Indeed the first chapters are a r sum , without proofs, of some basic theorems of Lie algebras. This concerns solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras, as well as some generic results on semisimple algebras (results that do not involve Cartan subalgebras).
The proper exposition begins with the third chapter, dealing with Cartan subalgebras. Two fundamental facts are exposed in this chapter: existence and conjugacy of these subalgebras. The existence is proved by exhibiting the classical construction by means of regular elements, i.e., elements of the algebra whose annihilator is of minimal dimension. The conjugacy of Cartan subalgebras, which enables us to define the numeric invariant called rank, is developed in analogous way to the book of Chevalley [Th�orie des Groupes de Lie, 1951]. Chapter four is devoted to the study of the complex simple Lie algebra of rank one, sl(2,C). This algebra plays the key role in the study of semisimple algebras and their representations, which justifies a separated treatment. The irreducible representations of sl(2,C) are obtained.
The root theory is introduced in the following chapter. Here the first innovation is made, namely, developing the root systems before dealing with the Cartan decomposition. In particular, no inner product has been used yet. Root systems are defined over a real vector space V, and the Weyl group is defined as the group generated by certain involutions associated to the roots [one will observe observe the similarity of this definition and the theory of Coxeter groups]. The inner product on V is obtained as an inner product which is invariant under the Weyl group. Bases of roots and their elementary properties are developed, and how to go from a basis to another by emans of the Weyl group [it is supposed that the root system is reduced, for nonreduced systems see for example the sixth chapter of Bourbaki: Alg bres de Lie, Hermann 1967]. Then it follows the notion of Cartan matrix (obtained from the inner product previously defined), and the associated Dynkin diagram. All admissible Dynkin diagrams are enumerated, and their corresponding root systems enumerated. Chapter six begin with the classical Weyl theorems, and the Cartan decomposition of a semisimple Lie algebra is obtained. From this the root system associated to the algebra follows naturally. The core of the chapter is the existence and uniqueness proofs of semisimple Lie algebras corresponding to a root system. As an appendix, a theorem showing how to construct semisimple Lie algebras from root systems by means of generators and relations [that is, using presentations]. This result is of extreme importance, and constitutes one of the germs that lead to the notion of Kac-Moody algebras in 1968. The next chapter is a standard treatment of representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras. The existence of dominant weights is shown, from which the (canonical) bijection between dominant integral forms and the finite dimensional irreducible modules follows. The Weyl character formula is also presented, but without proof.
The final chapter presents some important results of compact groups, intended to facilitate the lecture of more advanced texts [like the book of Pontryaguin, for example].
Resuming, an excellent text that presents a good insight to the theory of complex semiimple algebras. It should however be said that probably this book is not convenient for a first contact with these structures, due to its comprised presentation and the complete absence of exercises or many examples [this applies at least to the original french edition]. Actually, some acquaitance with Lie theory is implictly supposed through the text.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives

Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives

Shock Sale Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives very cheapYou looking to find the "Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives" Good news! You can purchase Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

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Product Description

A unique chance to explore different aspects of place, heritage, and tourism

For many nations around the world, cultural tourism is not only a major industry but also a support for national identity and a means for preserving heritage. Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives brings together in one volume interdisciplinary explorations of cultural tourism from leading international authorities in different locations around the world. Experts from the Cultural Tourism Research Group of the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS) discuss major issues that have emerged from the ATLAS research program over the past decade. Students and practitioners can examine important global and local issues such as authenticity, � placelessness� �, the changing relationships between local communities and tourists, the changing meaning of religious heritage, festivals, and special events.

Cultural Tourism presents a unique view of global and local cultural tourism issues in four main sections. The first part is a collection of discussions on the tensions caused by globalization, with an emphasis on the issue of authenticity. The second part focuses on cultural tourism demand, with examinations on the motivations and behavior of cultural tourists in various destinations. The third section spotlights the relationship between tourists, residents, and local culture. The final part examines ways cultural events can develop tourism. 72 figures and tables make complex information easy to access and understand.

Topics in Cultural Tourism include:
  • interpretation of ’authentic’ culture
  • growth of ��township tourism �
  • the success or failure of community-based tourism projects
  • impact of globalization on distinctiveness of place
  • analysis of tourism development based on new cultural attractions and ethnic diversity
  • basic steps needed to establish, manage, and market cultural routes
  • case study of Castilla y Leon in Spain trying to find ways to effectively compete with coastal areas
  • new types of cultural attractions, such as � ecomuseums�
  • religious tourism
  • heritage as a tool for formal and informal learning
  • ��festivalization �
  • and much more!
Using research and studies from places around the world like Brazil, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, and the Netherlands, Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives provides a valuable window on the current state of cultural tourism and makes informative reading for practitioners, researchers, educators, and students.

Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives Review

This book is very good an useful. I found a lot of information, that I was looking before. Different themes in one book. Perfect.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide

DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide

Shock Sale DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide very cheapYou looking to find the "DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide" Good news! You can purchase DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide On Sale

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Product Description

  • A practical guide to DB2 z/OS database administration that is 100 percent focused on running DB2 in z/OS environments
  • The only comprehensive preparation guide for the IBM Certified Database Administrator for DB2 Universal Database V8 z/OS certification
  • Covers database planning, design, implementation, operation, recovery, security, performance, installation, migration, and more
  • Sample test questions help you prepare for both IBM DB2 DBA Tests 700 and 702

IBM DB2 Universal Database Version 8 for z/OS offers enterprises unprecedented opportunities to integrate information, deliver it on demand, and manage it simply and cost-effectively. Now, one of the world's leading DB2 consultants presents the definitive guide to administering DB2 UDB V8 databases in z/OS environments. DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide also serves as a key tool for anyone preparing for IBM Certified Database Administrator for DB2 Universal Database V8 for z/OS certification.

IBM Gold Consultant Susan Lawson presents hundreds of practical techniques, expert guidelines, and useful tips for every facet of DB2 UDB database administration, including database implementation, operation, recovery, security, auditing, performance, installation, migration, SQL, and more. Coverage includes

  • Understanding the DB2 product family, architecture, attachments, and the DB2 z/OS environment
  • Securing enterprise-class DB2 installations and applications
  • Using SQL to create and manage database objects, and manipulate and retrieve information
  • Mastering key DBA tasks, including loading, reorganizing, quiescing, repairing, and recovering data; recovering and rebuilding indexes; and gathering statistics
  • Implementing data sharing in Parallel Sysplex environments
  • Learning the fundamentals of DB2 application development from the DBA's perspective
  • Leveraging advanced DB2 functions, including stored procedures and other object-relational extensions
  • Optimizing DB2 applications and the DB2 engine for maximum performance

Whether you are administering DB2 UDB V8 in z/OS environments, planning to do so, or preparing for DB2 UDB V8 DBA certification, DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide will be your single most valuable resource.


DB2 for z/OS Version 8 DBA Certification Guide Review

I have taken this exam 516 twice and each time I failed to clear the exam by 1-2 marks. First time I scored 59% and next time 61%, the pass mark is 63%. I must say that I was so close by reading this book alone, but I strongly feel that it is not very comprehensive for clearing the exam.

However, I am preparing again , and this time I am reading most from the on-line IBM manuals, which are very good.The book does not cover some of the topics such as application development, DSN commands, Security etc, in depth , which make quite a substantial portion of exam. Unfortunatley neither the questions in the book nor in the sample exams at IBM's site give you a real feel, what they are going to ask! Further, I feel that the book as a "Certification Guide" is nowhere near to the actual exam. It does not give a feel as what % of questions will be expected from each chapter or some kind of distribution. Sample questions should be after each chapter for better preparation.In spite of all these shortcomings, I must confess that this book was very good to cover most of the topics but one has to read the manuals in order to really pass the exam. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services (Networking Technology)

Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services (Networking Technology)

Shock Sale Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services (Networking Technology) very cheapYou looking to find the "Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services (Networking Technology)" Good news! You can purchase Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services (Networking Technology) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services (Networking Technology) On Sale

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Product Description

Design and deploy Cisco WAN optimization and application acceleration solutions for the enterprise WAN

Today, IT organizations are increasingly squeezed by competing demands. They must support more distributed users who demand greater availability and performance. They must protect their digital assets with far more robust security. And they must do it all while gaining far greater control over cost. Distributing IT resources increases management, hardware, and software overhead, but centralizing IT can worsen application performance. There is a solution to this quandary: Cisco application acceleration and WAN optimization technologies that permit IT to safely centralize distributed IT resources, meeting user performance expectations without replacing existing network infrastructure.

Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services is the first comprehensive guide to designing and deploying solutions with these Cisco technologies. Zach Seils and Joel Christner show how to deploy Cisco WAAS in a scalable, transparent, and seamless fashion that responds to both your business and technical challenges. Writing for network design and implementation engineers and other networking professionals, they cover the entire planning and configuration process. Drawing on their extensive experience implementing WAAS in the enterprise, they also offer real-world implementation examples and case studies �including full chapters on network, branch office, and data center integration.

Zach Seils, CCIE No. 7861, is a technical leader in the Cisco Advanced Services Data Center Networking Practice, where he specializes in designing, deploying, and troubleshooting application acceleration solutions for the largest Cisco enterprise and service provider customers.

Joel Christner, CCIE No. 15311, is director of product management for Reconnex Corporation, the industry leader in data loss prevention (DLP) solutions. Prior to Reconnex, Joel was senior manager of technical marketing for the Application Delivery Business Unit (ADBU) at Cisco, where he helped drive the product and technical strategy for Cisco Wide Area Application Services. Christner is coauthor of Application Acceleration and WAN Optimization Fundamentals.

  • Centrally provision applications to employees in any location without compromising performance
  • Reduce costs by centralizing servers, storage, and applications by leveraging optimization capabilities that integrate cleanly with your existing infrastructure
  • Thoroughly understand Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) and Wide Area Application Engine (WAE) and the business benefits provided by them

- -    �� Perform effective WAAS planning, discovery, and analysis

- -  � � �   Use WAAS and interception mechanisms such as WCCP or inline to transparently optimize flows traversing your network for end users accessing centrally deployed and� centrally� managed applications, files, and other information

- -� �  � �   Integrate application acceleration and optimization into data centers, branch offices, and other environments

- - � �   �  � Learn how to use the Cisco WAAS Central Manager, WAE device GUI, and command-line interface to configure, manage, and troubleshoot

This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.


Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services (Networking Technology) Review

I got this book a while back when I started working on a WAAS project and I found this book to be very insightful. It covered pretty much every WAAS deployment scenario I came across.

I have read this book cover to cover and I still use it for reference.

I love the conceptual, design and configuration walk-thru that is done in this book. I wish more Cisco books were like this.

The one thing that I do wish was more extensive was better coverage on the Cisco ACE as to how it integrates with WAEs and also a more through analysis of the Case Studies at the end of the book, however this did not detract from the overall knowledge I have gained from this book.

Get this book if you are working on WAAS or is interested in learning about WAAS.

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