Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Poetics of Childhood (Children's Literature and Culture)

The Poetics of Childhood (Children's Literature and Culture)

Shock Sale The Poetics of Childhood (Children's Literature and Culture) very cheapYou looking to find the "The Poetics of Childhood (Children's Literature and Culture)" Good news! You can purchase The Poetics of Childhood (Children's Literature and Culture) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

The Poetics of Childhood (Children's Literature and Culture) On Sale

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Product Description

Children's literature provides a medium through which writers re-create or approximate the sensibility of a child. But what exactly is this sensibility, and how does it find creative expression in adulthood? What language can portray the seemingly untranslatable experience of a child?

The Poetics of Childhood, winner of the 2005 International Research Society for Children's Literature Award, investigates these and other questions in a highly original investigation of the elusive sensibility of childhood and the ways writers have tried to capture it over time. Roni Natov traces the development of a distinct poetics �� a way of imagining the experience of childhood � � from the earliest conceptions of childhood innocence in the Romantic Age through to the present. A variety of literary texts, both those written for children and those engaging a mature readership, are examined for their use of childhood as a lens through which the adult � � or the child in the adult � views the world. Her study encompasses a broad sweep of literary traditions, including the pastoral, the dark pastoral, the anti-pastoral, picture books, fantasy, and realism, as well as a remarkable range of authors from William Blake and Lewis Carroll to Doris Lessing and J.K. Rowling. Here Natov finds what is uniquely enchanting about the best of children's literature and why it continues to captivate readers of all ages.


The Poetics of Childhood (Children's Literature and Culture) Review

In The Poetics of Childhood, Dr. Natov masterfully interweaves archetypal themes of child-centered poetry into a visionary work, which is itself poetic in its aesthetic depth, eloquence, and economy of expression. While it honors the directness, clarity, and playfulness of the child's world, it is simultaneously imbued with the wisdom and maturity of erudite scholarship. The author conveys a vast, comprehensive knowledge of the topic through poignant narratives of beauty and imagination, providing fresh insights into the work of even the best-known poets, and providing new perspectives on the nature of the psyche. Through her literary mastery, Dr. Natov brilliantly plumbs the depths of human consciousness, illuminating the divine in the concrete, and evoking the fantastic in the ordinary. She approaches even the most fundamental themes of childhood with profound respect and revence (as one would approach something sacred), and treats each poem as a living, breathing, art form, with its own life story to tell.Far beyond informational, The Poetics of Childhood is transformational. It is a moving testament to the resilliance of the human, childhood spirit, which prevails even in the midst of the most intolerable conditions, through its innate artistry and boundless love. As the author portrays dialectic struggles between shadow and light, internal and external, past and present, conscious and unconscious, and body and soul, she simultaneously reveals how each of these dichotomies is ulitmately transcended through the creative process inherent in child-centered poetry. In this way, the reader gains an appreciation of these poetic works as reflections of, and as pathways to, self-integration, healing, and spiritual development.Because Dr. Natov is forthright about her own life context and peresonal values, the reader is continually aware of her authenticity and genuine presence. The Poetics of Childhood is a compelling, inspirational work, capable of enriching the lives of artists, scholars, and healers of all disciplines. Truly, it provides possibilities for relating in new ways to the child each of us has been, and which each of us still is. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews� Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment

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Monday, July 30, 2012

A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion)

A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion)

Shock Sale A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion) very cheapYou looking to find the "A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion)" Good news! You can purchase A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion) On Sale

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Product Description

This concise dictionary of Judaism contains over a thousand entries describing all the key aspects of religion, culture and history in the Jewish faith. Designed for the student as well as the general reader, it deserves a place in every library and every Jewish home.

A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion) Review

purchased as a general reference book. As with all "popular" dictionaries,
a variance of terms are selected for publication

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from A Popular Dictionary of Judaism (Popular Dictionaries of Religion) ...

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict

The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict

Shock Sale The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict very cheapYou looking to find the "The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict" Good news! You can purchase The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict On Sale

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Product Description

In this highly-praised analysis of the controversial pro-choice movement, Suzanne Staggenborg traces the development of the movement from its origins through the 1980s. She shows how a small group of activists were able to build on the momentum created by other social movements of the 1960s to win their cause--the legalization of abortion in 1973--and argues that professional leadership and formal organizational structures, together with threats from the anti-abortion movement and grass-roots support, enabled the pro-choice movement to remain an active force even after their primary goal had been achieved.

The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict Review

I wanted to return the book the same day I purchased it because it turned out I no longer needed it, so I emailed the seller in hopes of doing so. They gave me a full refund on the book, which was such a relief. Response took forever though.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Rain Forests of Home: Profile Of A North American Bioregion

The Rain Forests of Home: Profile Of A North American Bioregion

Shock Sale The Rain Forests of Home: Profile Of A North American Bioregion very cheapYou looking to find the "The Rain Forests of Home: Profile Of A North American Bioregion" Good news! You can purchase The Rain Forests of Home: Profile Of A North American Bioregion with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

The Rain Forests of Home: Profile Of A North American Bioregion On Sale

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Product Description

Stretching from the redwoods of California to the vast stands of spruce and hemlock in southeast Alaska, coastal temperate rain forests have been for thousands of years home to one of the highest densities of human settlements on the continent. Given its mild climate, magnificent scenery, and abundant natural resources, the region should continue to support robust economies and vibrant communities for many years to come. However, the well-being of this region is increasingly threatened by diminishing natural capital, declining employment in traditional resource-based industries, and outward migration of young people to cities.The Rain Forests of Home brings together a diverse array of thinkers -- conservationists, community organizers, botanists, anthropologists, zoologists, Native Americans, ecologists, and others -- to present a multilayered, multidimensional portrait of the coastal temperate rain forest and its people. Joining natural and social science perspectives, the book provides readers with a valuable understanding of the region's natural and human history, along with a vision of its future and strategies for realizing that vision.Authors describe the physical setting and examine the geographic and evolutionary forces that have shaped the region since the last glacial period, with individual chapters covering oceanography, climate, geologic processes, vegetation, fauna, streams and rivers, and terrestrial/marine interactions. Three chapters cover the history of human habitation, including an examination of what is known about pre-European settlement, a consideration of the traditions of local and indigenous knowledge, and a description of the environmental and cultural upheaval brought by European explorers and settlers. The book concludes with an exploration of recent economic and cultural trends, regional and local public policy, information gathering, and the need for integrating local knowledge into decision making.Interspersed among the chapters are compelling profiles of community-level initiatives and programs aimed at restoring damaged ecosystems, promoting sustainable use of resources, and fostering community-based economic development. The case studies describe what coastal residents are doing to combine environmental conservation with socioeconomic development, and document some of the most innovative experiments in sustainable development now underway in North America.The Rain Forests of Home offers for the first time a unified description of the characteristics, history, culture, economy, and ecology of the coastal temperate rain forest. It is essential reading for anyone who lives in or cares about the region.

The Rain Forests of Home: Profile Of A North American Bioregion Review

A breathtaking synopsis of North America's best kept secrete, "The Rain Forests of Home" give the reader an in-depth look at some of the most beautiful lanscape the earth has to offer. The intelligent insight from some of America's top biologists is verbalized in a way that even George W. could follow. This is a must read for anyone who takes interest in wildlife, nature, or just their surroundings in general. I had a fabulous time indulging myself in this fountain of information, and I highly recommend it.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Recovery and Wellness: Models of Hope and Empowerment for People with Mental Illness

Recovery and Wellness: Models of Hope and Empowerment for People with Mental Illness

Shock Sale Recovery and Wellness: Models of Hope and Empowerment for People with Mental Illness very cheapYou looking to find the "Recovery and Wellness: Models of Hope and Empowerment for People with Mental Illness" Good news! You can purchase Recovery and Wellness: Models of Hope and Empowerment for People with Mental Illness with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Recovery and Wellness: Models of Hope and Empowerment for People with Mental Illness On Sale

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Product Description

Learn to harness the process of recovery from mental illness for use in the transformative healing of your OT clients!</br></br>This informative book for occupational therapists describes the Recovery Model from theoretical and experiential perspectives, and shows how to use it most effectively. It examines the major constructs of the model, describes the recovery process, offers specific OT approaches to support recovery, and provides guidelines for incorporating wellness and recovery principles into mental health services.This unique book you will show you:
  • how recovery--in this case from schizophrenia--can be used as a transformative healing process
  • the challenges and benefits of a dual role as a mental health professional and a consumer of mental health services
  • the story of one occupational therapist� s journey of discovery in relation to her own mental illness
  • why treating mental illness as a medical problem can be counterproductive to recovery
  • three different teaching approaches--the executive approach, the therapist approach, and the liberationist approach--and how they lead to dramatically different outcomes
  • the vital relationship between occupational therapy and recovery and wellness--with an enlightening case study
  • how to use the Adult Sensory Profile to evaluate and design interventions for sensory processing preferences
  • a system for monitoring, reducing, and eliminating uncomfortable or dangerous physical symptoms and feelings
  • how to establish partnerships between mental health researchers and persons with psychiatric disabilities

Recovery and Wellness: Models of Hope and Empowerment for People with Mental Illness Review


I am enjoying the book and the information provided has became very useful. I received my item exactly the way it was told to me that I would be receiving. The Seller sent quite alot of information to me about the product, a good Estimate of when I should receive it and the product got here within the time estimated. Thank you for your business and I received a great product.

thanks, J

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